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方增先上世纪50年代的中国,文化艺术跨入弘扬主旋律的时代,中国人物画家为表现工农兵生活开展了新的探索,其中影响力最大的是以方增先为代表的几位中央美术学院华东分院教师。他们把写实的人物造型转化为中国画的写意笔墨.融时代精神与传统的写意精神于一体,开创了中国水墨人物画历史上具有里程碑意义的“新浙派人物画”。如今.中国水墨写意人物画已结出丰硕成果,这是与方增先等人的努力分不开的。1955年,方增先发现有学生浪费粮食而感到痛心.当即创作了《粒粒皆辛苦》。其中语重心长的寓意、充满生活气息的人物特写、精练完美的构图和笔墨结构,使作品成为上世纪五六十年代中国人物画的标杆之一,并被中国美术馆收藏。方增先,1931年7月出生于浙江兰溪,1953年毕业于中央美术学院华东分院研究生班,历任浙江美术学院副教授、教授,上海中国画院副院长,上海美术馆馆长,上海美术家协会主席,中国美术家协会理事,中国国家画院中国画院院长。 Fang Zengxian 50 years of last century, China, arts and culture into the promotion of the theme of the times, the Chinese figure painter for the performance of workers, peasants and soldiers to carry out a new life, of which the most influential is Fang Zengxian several representatives of the Central Academy of Fine Arts East China Branch teachers . They transformed the realistic character into the freehand brushwork of Chinese painting, integrating the spirit of the times with the traditional spirit of freehand brushwork, creating the landmark painting “Xinzhua School of Chinese Painting” in the history of Chinese ink figures. Nowadays, the Chinese ink and brush painting figure has achieved fruitful results, which is inseparable from the efforts of Fang Zengxian and others. In 1955, Fang Zengxian found that students were wasted heartbeat of food waste. Immediately created “particles are hard.” Among them, the meaning of semantic meanings, the close-up of people full of life style, the perfect composition and the structure of ink and brush make the works become one of the benchmark of Chinese portrait in 1950s and 1960s and are collected by China Art Museum. Fang Zengxian was born in Lanxi, Zhejiang Province in July 1931 and graduated from the Graduate School of East China Branch of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1953. He served successively as an associate professor and professor of Zhejiang Fine Arts Institute, vice president of Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy, curator of Shanghai Art Museum, chairman of Shanghai Artists Association, Chinese Artists Association, China National Painting Institute of Chinese painting.
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