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1.两年的试验一致显示采收期对国光苹果虎皮病有非常显著的影响,早采收的远比晚采收的发病既多且重。延迟采收对降低发病率的效果在不同包装处理及不同后期贮藏温度之间有些不同,在石腊油纸处理比其他包装处理及对照更显著,贮藏后期温度低的(0—3℃)比温度高的(3—6℃)显著。2.贮藏后期温度升高,发病率也就增加。温度升高对促进发病率的影响程度,在晚采果比早采果显著,在对照组似乎比其他包装处理为显著。3.在各种包装处理中,以石腊油纸处理的发病最低。石腊油纸降低发病率的功效在晚期果比早期果显著,在后期贮藏高温比低温显著。蓖麻油纸处理似乎无效甚至还有促进发病的趋势。稻壳填箱处理的发病率在第一年有的比对照高,有的比对照低;第二年一致低于对照组,并且其发病率降低的程度在晚采果比早采果显著,在贮藏后期低温比高温显著。果实包纸处理的结果基本上与稻壳处理相仿。4、上列各种处理的苹果在贮藏前期很少发病或不发病,贮藏后期则急速增加。这种转变期在早采果大约为3月上旬,晚采果要更延迟些。5.贮藏在不断变动的室温中(相对湿度较低)的苹果与上述情况不同,第一年(温度较高,每天程10—23℃之间变动)早采果到2月底尚无病;第二年(温度较低每天在2—10℃之间变动)到3月中已有相当数量的病果,特别是早采收的;但最后的总发病率却比贮藏后期高温的甚至比低温的还要低。6.苹果从贮藏室骤然移入室温中,发病率急速上升,数日内(早采果)至10余日内(晚采果)便远远超过冷藏或室温贮藏的同类果实。7.应用某些挥发性物质处理苹果,找不到什么有规则的结果,很多处理组的发病率甚至比对照组还要低,这可能是试验的果实太少及果实成熟度不很一致所致。8.观察和计算肯定了着色程度同病变的关系。果实大小同病变的关系不显著。9.从试验结果可以确定国光苹果的虎皮病就是果皮褐变(Загарилигорение,scald),但稻壳和包纸处理的结果与某些学者对果皮褐变原因的见介不相符合,因为这些处理的通气情况是不好的。 1. The two-year trial consistently showed that the harvesting period had a very significant effect on Guoguang Apple’s tiger skin disease, with early harvested far more than the late harvested crop. The effects of delayed harvesting on the incidence of morbidity were somewhat different between different packaging treatments and different post-storage temperatures, and were more pronounced in paraffin oil paper handling than the other packaging treatments and controls. Post-storage low temperature (0-3 ° C) High (3-6 ° C) is significant. Late storage temperature increases, the incidence will increase. The extent of the effect of elevated temperature on the promotion of morbidity was significantly greater in early-harvest fruits than in early-harvest fruits and appeared to be significant in the control group over other packaging treatments. 3. In a variety of packaging treatment, the lowest incidence of paraffin oil paper treatment. The efficacy of paraffin oil paper to reduce the incidence of fruit in the late fruit significantly than in the early, late storage temperature was significantly lower than low temperature. Castor oil paper treatment seems ineffective and even has the tendency to promote morbidity. In the first year, the incidence of treatment of rice husks was higher than that of the control, and some of them were lower than the control. The second year was lower than that of the control group, and the degree of incidence reduction was lower than that of the early harvest, Low temperature in the late storage than high temperature significantly. The result of the fruit wrapping paper treatment is basically similar to that of the rice husk. 4, the above-mentioned various treatments of apple little or no incidence in the pre-storage period, the latter rapidly increased storage. This transition period is early in the early harvest of fruit in late March, late fruit picking is more delayed. 5. The apple stored in the changing room temperature (lower relative humidity) is different from the above situation. In the first year (the temperature is higher, the change of temperature is 10-23 ℃) The second year (lower temperature varies between 2-10 ℃) has a considerable amount of fruit in March, especially early harvest; but the final overall incidence of even higher than the late storage temperature ratio Low temperature is even lower. 6. Apple suddenly moved from room to room temperature, the incidence rate increased rapidly within a few days (as early as fruit) to more than 10 days (late fruit) far more than the same type of cold storage or storage of fruits at room temperature. 7. Application of certain volatile substances in apples, can not find any regular results, the incidence of many treatment groups even lower than the control group, which may be too little fruit and fruit maturity test is not consistent To Observations and calculations affirmed the relationship between the degree of staining and lesion. The relationship between fruit size and lesion was not significant. 9. From the test results, it can be determined that the skin condition of Guoguang apple is browning of the skin (Загарилигорение, scald), but the results of the treatment of rice hulls and paper wrappers do not agree with the findings of some scholars on the causes of browning of the skin, Ventilation handled is not good.
州 ,在今内蒙巴林左旗西南。太宗耶律德光置国阿辇斡鲁朵 ,谓永兴宫 ,辖怀、黔、开、来4州 ,其中开州在今凤城县 ,来州在今绥中县前卫。据不完全统计仅在辽宁地区的斡鲁朵州
本文对薛宗正先生大著《突厥史》中突厥可汗谱系的阐述持有不同之见 :儒尼文碑中布民可汗应为乙息记可汗 ,土门可汗无子 ,则后东突厥汗国出自乙息记—启民可汗一系。前东突厥
科特迪瓦官方港务局2009年3月17日的统计显示,该国1-2月天然橡胶出口量为21,917吨,较2008年同期的27,243吨减少5,326吨,减少20%。2009年2月该国 Statistics released by the