
来源 :四川党的建设(城市版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragon_3628
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培养选拔德才兼备的领导干部特别是优秀年轻干部,努力造就大批能够跨世纪担当重任的领导人才,是党的十四届四中全会作出的一项重大战略部署。江泽民同志指出,这是总揽党的建设全局的重要工作,是新形势下加强党的建设这一新的伟大工程的关键工程。四中全会后,中央召开全国组织工作会议进行了具体研究和部署,随后下发了《关于抓紧培养选拔优秀年轻干部的通知》,进一步提出了培养选拔优秀年轻干部的目标和要求。现在中央的大政方针和主要任务都已明确,要求也很具体,关键是要做好狠抓落实的工作,积极迈出新的步伐。 To cultivate leading cadres who have both ability and political integrity, especially outstanding young cadres, and who strive to create a large number of leading cadres who can shoulder the important task across the century, is a major strategic plan made by the Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party. Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out: This is an important task in enacting the overall situation of party building and a key project to strengthen the new great project of party building in the new situation. After the Fourth Plenary Session of the Fourth Plenary Session of the National People’s Congress, the Central Government held a special study and deployment on the national organization work conference and subsequently issued the “Notice on Sending and Selecting Excellent Young Cadres” and further set forth the goals and requirements for training and selecting excellent young cadres. Now the central government’s major policies and major tasks are clear and the requirements are very specific. The key is to do a good job in implementing the work and take the new steps positively.
前言  大肠癌是常见消化系统恶性肿瘤,近年来大肠癌的发病率和死亡率有上升趋势,发病年龄逐渐年轻化,研究表明近十年来中国结直肠癌发病率为28.08/10万,死亡率为13.41/10万,结直
目的:  术后认知功能障碍(postoperative cognitive dysfunction,POCD)是老年患者在麻醉术后出现的一种中枢神经系统并发症,其发生影响患者生活质量,增加手术并发症的发生风险,
目的:  探讨急性心肌梗死后合并抑郁/焦虑状态患者血压变异性的变化及其临床意义。  方法:  入选2013年4月至2014年1月入住中国医科大学附属第一医院CCU诊断为急性心肌梗
目的:  研究在体内外雌激素剥夺条件下骨髓间充质干细胞(Mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)对MCF-7乳腺癌细胞系生长的影响及其潜在的作用机制。  方法:  1、通过双侧卵巢切除
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