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在市场经济体制下.科技中介机构作为科技创新服务体上系的重要组成部分.为科技创新活动提供了重要的支撑服务。科技成果通过技术转移与生产要素密切结合.使其从人的思想及其成就的结晶转变成创造和获取财富的重要手段。技术要素融入产业领域.对推动产业结构的优化升级.促进产业进步,意义重大。这个过程实现了从知识流到物质流的转化过程。科技中介机构在实现这个过程中发挥着重要的作用.有着不可替代的优势。因此.我们认为通过建立科技中介机构“孵化器”这种形式,迅速培育出一批符合市场经济规律,有中国特色和具有国际竞争能力的科技中介机构.对于加速高新技术的产业化.提高我国整体的竞争实力有着十 Under the market economy system, science and technology intermediary agencies, as an important part of the science and technology innovation service, provide important support services for science and technology innovation activities. Through the transfer of technology and production factors, the scientific and technological achievements are closely integrated with each other, transforming it from the crystallization of human thought and its achievements into an important means of creating and acquiring wealth. The integration of technical elements into the industrial field is of great significance to promoting the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure and promoting industrial progress. This process realizes the transformation from knowledge flow to material flow. Science and technology intermediary agencies play an important role in the realization of this process. There is an irreplaceable advantage. Therefore, we believe that through the establishment of a “incubator” of science and technology intermediary institutions, we have rapidly fostered a group of scientific and technological intermediaries that conform to the laws of the market economy, which have Chinese characteristics and are internationally competitive, and are of great significance in accelerating the industrialization of high and new technologies, The competitive strength of ten
汽车在冰雪路上行驶,因车轮与地面的附着力较小,给安全行车带来了隐患。下面就冰雪路的特点,谈谈司机应注意的几个问题。 一忌车况不良。良好的车况,对冰雪路的安全行车尤为
个人感言:干部就是要干活,要干净,敢担责,敢说不段襄征简历:1956年生,研究生学历,中共党员。1979年4月参加工作,2008年2月由西藏自治区 Personal testimonies: cadres is to
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目的探讨Nogo基因中错义突变的rs117465650C/T位点在广西人群中的多态性分布特点,分析其在不同人群间的分布差异。方法通过多重单碱基延伸法(SNa Pshot)与DNA测序法检测323例