
来源 :中华女子学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fiscar
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引言 中国是一个具有悠久封建历史的国家,封建制度的突出特征之一就是建立了一整套以男女有别,男尊女卑,歧视妇女为核心的性别伦理观念。这套伦理观念使封建时代的妇女过着悲惨生活。先秦时代的“殉葬”、两汉期间的“和亲”、直至明清两代的“缠足”、“节烈”,清晰勾划了中国妇女作为男权统治牺牲品的生存状况。直至本世纪初,西方文明以大炮为先导猛烈震撼了中国知识分子,以康有为、梁启超、谭嗣同为核心的维新派才出于“强国保种”之目的,倡导放足,开办女学;随后的新文化运动第一次明确提出“求女权之解放”的口号(张树栋、李秀领,1990)。其后的“五四运动”使中国知识女性走出家门、校门、走上社会,参加社会斗争。但这一系列的变化只发生在中国几个大城市的知识妇女中间,广大劳动妇女依然处于封建传统重压之下。当时通行的国民党法律在《民法·亲属编》就有数个条目明确认为丈夫和妻子有不平等的权力(张树栋、李秀领,1990)。 Introduction China is a country with a long history of feudalism. One of the salient features of the feudal system was the establishment of a set of gender ethics centered around men and women, men and women, and discrimination against women. This set of ethical ideas led feudal women to live a miserable life. The “sacrificial burial” in the pre-Qin era and “kin” during the Han and Han Dynasties, until “foot-binding” and “auspiciousness” in the Ming and Qing dynasties clearly outlined the living conditions of Chinese women as victims of patriarchal domination. Until the beginning of this century, Western civilizations, using cannons as their guide, violently shocked Chinese intellectuals. The reformists with Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao and Tan Sitong at their core initiated advocacy and release of girls’ education for the purpose of “ For the first time, the New Culture Movement clearly put forward the slogan ”Seeking liberation for women’s rights“ (Zhang Shudong, Li Xiuling, 1990). The ensuing ”May Fourth Movement“ enabled Chinese knowledgeable women to go out of their homes and schools and embark on the society and participate in social struggles. However, this series of changes took place only among knowledgeable women in several big cities in China. The majority of working women are still under the feudal tradition. There were a number of articles in Kuomintang laws prevailing at the time of the ”Code of Civil Law and Relatives" that unequivocally assumed that husbands and wives had unequal powers (Zhang Shudong, Li Xiuling, 1990).
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