
来源 :心理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:worinimmde
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该研究用心理物理学实验方法,以能正确分辨图形在深度上起伏周期数的多少作为判据,检测了七名被试的体视性能。实验结果表明,被试者观看复杂图形的视差敏感性是和图形在深度上变化的复杂程度有关。如果以视差作纵坐标,以图形在深度起伏频率为横坐标,则其深度感知的范围是一个区域,该区域的频率变化范围是从0.1周/度到4周/度,当深度变化频率大于4周/度,则无深度感知。七名被试的双眼深度敏感区有个体差异,但其区域的形状是相似的。 In this study, psychophysical experiments were used to determine the number of undulations in the depth of the figure as the criterion to determine the stereopsis performance of seven subjects. The experimental results show that the parallax sensitivity of the subjects to view the complex graphics is related to the complexity of the changes in the depth of the graphics. If the parallax is plotted on the ordinate and the graph is on the abscissa, the range of depth perception is a region with a frequency ranging from 0.1 cycles / degree to 4 cycles / degrees. As the depth changes Frequency greater than 4 weeks / degrees, no depth perception. Seven subjects had individual differences in the depth of eye sensitivity area, but the shape of the area was similar.
译文:如图所示,正方形 WXYZ 的面积是25平方厘米,四个小正方形的边长为1厘米.在△ABC 中,AB=AC,当△ABC 沿 BC 边折叠时,A 点与正方形WXYZ 的中心 O 重合,求△ABC 的面积.
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