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红腹树蜂(Sirex rufi-abdominis Xiao et Wu)属山林区发现的一种新害虫。本种害虫以幼虫蛀食马尾松树干,也有与松天牛、松象鼻虫和小蠹虫等共同寄居危害的,单株马尾松上红腹树蜂虫口可达3千条以上,被害松树多呈零星分布,极少小块状。被害松树枯死,严重威胁松林生长,导致马尾松死亡的主要原因是由于雌蜂在产卵时分泌的无色胶状物,使形成层组织细胞变褐而坏死,从而立木枯死。红腹树蜂的幼虫在坑道内还常遭真菌侵染。作者于1980—1981年对该虫的生物学特性及防治进行了调查研究,结果报道于后。 Sirex rufi-abdominis Xiao et Wu is a new pest found in mountainous areas. The pests eaten with larvae masson pine trunk, but also with the pine, pine weevil and beetles and other common habitat damage, single Pinus massoniana on the belly bee population up to more than 3,000, more pine trees Was sporadic distribution, very small lumps. Victims of pine dead, a serious threat to the growth of pine forests, resulting in the main reason for the death of Pinus massoniana is due to the female bee eggs in the secretion of the colorless gel, the formation of tissue cells brown and necrosis, which stand deadwood. The larvae of the beetle are also frequently infected by fungi in the tunnel. The author from 1980 to 1981 on the biological characteristics of the insect and prevention and control were investigated, the results reported later.
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