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朋友,假若您来到新疆,知道怎样和这里的各族人民施见面礼吗?那么,让我来告诉您吧。新疆是一个多民族的地区,每个民族都有不同的见面礼节,每种礼节都代表了每个民族的风俗习惯和友好感情。这里的山美水甜,人也格外热情,他们的见面礼也非常有趣。大家知道,维吾尔族在新疆少数民族中,人数最多,约占42%以上,无论走到哪个县,都可以见到维吾尔族人民。所以先了解这个民族的见面礼就显得重要,那么,我们就先介绍维吾尔族见面礼吧。按传统习惯,维吾尔族见面时,不施握手礼,而是把右手放在左边的胸前,点头、鞠躬,并说:“萨拉木里坤”(意思是“祝福”)。如果一个人一次碰到十几个熟人,对每个人都要点头、鞠躬,把右手放在胸前,同时也要说:“萨拉木里坤”;如果遇到尊贵的客人或是长辈,则要把双手交叉放在胸前,并点头、鞠躬,表达对长者的尊重和礼貌。妇女见面时,就不施这种礼,而是要互相拥抱,右脸面要挨一下,并说:“萨拉木”(“祝福”的意思);长者见到晚辈时,晚辈要先施礼;老人见到小孩时,小孩要先叫老人的称呼,老人则要吻小孩的脸蛋和额头。现在许多老年人仍保持着这种传统的礼节,不过年轻人见面时,大都行现代的握手礼,并说:“亚克西木塞孜”(您好)。 Friend, if you come to Xinjiang and know how to polite people of all ethnic groups here, let me tell you. Xinjiang is a multi-ethnic region where every ethnic group has different courtesy. Each of the etiquette represents the customs and friendly feelings of each nation. The beauty of the mountains here is sweet, and people are especially passionate. Their meeting ceremony is also very interesting. As we all know, the Uyghurs have the largest number of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, accounting for over 42%. Uighur peoples can be seen no matter where they go. Therefore, it is important to understand the ceremony of this nation first. Then, let us first introduce the Uyghur ceremony. According to the traditional custom, when Uyghurs met, they did not give a handshake, but put their right hand on the left chest, nodded, bowed and said: “Saladimi” (meaning “blessing”) . If a person meets more than a dozen acquaintances at a time, he nods each person, bowes, places his right hand on his chest, and at the same time he also says: “Sara Muli kun”; if you encounter a distinguished guest or Elders, you have to cross their hands on the chest and nod and bow, to express respect and courtesy of the elderly. When women meet, they do not impose such a ceremony, but rather hug each other, right face to suffer and say: “Saraki” (meaning “blessing”); when the elders meet with younger generations, Junior to be the first gift; the elderly to see children, the children must first call the elderly call, the elderly have to kiss the child’s face and forehead. Many elderly people now maintain this traditional etiquette, but when they meet young people, most of them hold modern handshakes and say: “Yaksimizzei” (hello).
有人说,喜剧都是风俗的喜剧(Comedy of manners),意思是说和悲剧的英雄理想,爱与死的永恒主题不同,喜剧表现的是人的弱点,庸人自扰的烦恼,日常生活中的误会冲突等等。不过,
<正> 卢栋,字葵生,扬州人(1779~1850年)清代中叶制造漆砂文玩的名匠。祖父卢映之初以善“周制”而著名,以后因成功地仿制出宋代宣和漆砂砚而闻名。卢栋绍家学,亦以髹漆技艺名世,是明清以来制漆业三大名匠之一。卢家在扬州小秦淮以南达士巷内设有自己的作坊。卢映之和卢栋祖孙所仿制的漆砂砚在当时的制漆行业中独树一
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