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发达的路网养成了生活的惰性 在美国,生活离不开车已成为美利坚民族的习俗。哪怕到一二个街口远的商店买瓶饮料,也要以车代步。这缘于路网的发达和车辆的普及,几乎户户有车,人人有车,如一个广告词所说: “有路必有什么车”,车能通到任何的角落,把你载到任何要去的地方。 高速公路和汽车的结合加快了这个民族的生活节奏,同时也养成了他们对车的依赖和很少走路的惰性。美国人的生活就像是永远三点一线式的呆在屋里,从家巢到汽车到办公地点,其中,汽车不过是房屋的扩大和延伸而已。有天晚饭后我们出外散步,其间想找个人问路,除了飞驰的“房屋”外,见不到一个行人。有时在超市、快餐店门口的停车场,也不见老美下车,只见他们打开车窗对着通道旁的麦克风讲几声,或者操纵一下 Developed road network to develop the inertia of life In the United States, life can not be separated from the car has become the custom of the American nation. Even a couple of stores away from the street to buy a bottle of drink, but also to the car. This is due to the road network developed and the popularity of vehicles, almost every household car, everyone has a car, as an ad said: “There will be any car”, the car can pass to any corner of the Anywhere you want to go. The combination of highways and cars accelerates the pace of life of this nation and at the same time fosters their reliance on cars and the inertia of few walks. The American life is like staying in the house three-in-one forever, moving from home to the car to the office, where the car is just an expansion and extension of the house. One day after dinner, we went out for a walk, during which we were looking for someone to ask for directions. Apart from the speeding “housing”, we could not see a pedestrian. Sometimes in the supermarket, fast food restaurant in front of the parking lot, but also see the old get off the car, I saw them open the window to the microphone next to the channel say a few times, or manipulate
中国民航的改革总会伴随一些阵痛。 1997年民航总局决定国内航空运价实行多舱位多等级的新型运价体系,首次允许航空公司对机票“明折明扣”,然而随之引发的机票“价格大战”却直接
北京申办2008年奥运会取得成功,举国上下为之欢腾。它预示着中国从此将以更加开放的姿 态与世界各国、各地区进行更加频繁的交往。正如香港《大公报》所言:北京申奥的成功意 味
介绍了HIFiRE项目的背景、研制单位。说明了HIFiRE各飞行计划的研究方向。详细介绍了HIFiRE项目Flight 7飞行计划的进展。 HIFiRE introduced the background of the projec
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