Forest soil conservation based on eco-service provision unit method and its value in Anji County,Huz

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinjiajie
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We propose an eco-service provision unit method for estimating the benefit and spatial differences of forests in controlling soil erosion.A total of 197 eco-service provision units were grouped on 1424.43 km2 of forest according to differences in vegetation,slope,soil,and rainfall.The amount of soil conservation and its economic value were estimated.The forests in Anji County prevent4.08 9 105 tons of soil from eroding annually,thereby avoiding 1.36 9 104 tons of nutrient loss(on-site cost) and preventing 149 tons of nutritive elements from entering water systems(off-site cost).From an economic perspective,the soil nutrient conservation in the forests of Anji County generated an annual benefit of 43.37 million RMB(Chinese Currency,6.20 RMB = US$1).On average,each hectare of ecological forest contributed up to 436 RMB annually because of soil conservation.Ecological complexes with higher rainfall intensity,such as broadleaf forest and red soil on slope gradients [25°,contributed the highest soil conservation benefits.This study identified and quantified the dominant contributors and magnitudes of soil conservation provided by forests.This information can benefit decision making regarding differentiated ecological compensation policies. We propose an eco-service provision unit method for estimating the benefit and spatial differences of forests in controlling soil erosion. A total of 197 eco-service provision units were grouped on 1424.43 km2 of forest according to differences in vegetation, slope, soil, and rainfall.The amount of soil conservation and its economic value were estimated.The forests in Anji County prevent 4.08 9 105 tons of soil from eroding annually, thereby avoiding 1.36 9 104 tons of nutrient loss (on-site cost) and preventing 149 tons of nutritive elements from entering water systems (off-site cost). Flood an economic perspective, the soil nutrient conservation in the forests of Anji County generated an annual benefit of 43.37 million RMB (Chinese Currency, 6.20 RMB = US $ 1) .On average , each hectare of ecological forest contributed up to 436 RMB annually because of soil conservation. Ecological complexes with higher rainfall intensity, such as broadleaf forest and red soil on slope gradients [25 °, contributed the hi ghest soil conservation benefits. this study identified and quantified the dominant contributors and magnitudes of soil conservation provided by forests.This information can benefit decision making versus differentiated ecological compensation policies.
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