本刊讯2016年9月17~19日,江西省吉安市教育局在吉师附小举办了全市中小学实验教学说课评比活动。经过各县(市、区)教育局的层层选拔和推荐,来自全市各中小学的84名高中(物理、化学、生物)、初中(物理、化学、生物)和小学科学教师参加了此次竞赛活动。此次说课活动按高中理化生、初中理化生和小学科学7个组别进行,说课时间规定为10 min。参加说课评比活动的教师赛前均进行了充分准备,他
The Journal September 17, 2016 to 19, Ji’an City, Jiangxi Province Bureau of Education held a small pilot school in the city’s primary and secondary schools experimental teaching assessment activities. Through the selection and recommendation of all levels of education in counties (cities, districts), 84 high schools (physics, chemistry, biology), junior high school (physics, chemistry, biology) and primary science teachers from all primary and secondary schools in the city participated in this Contest. The lectures activities by high school physics and chemistry students, junior high school physics and chemistry and primary science 7 groups, say class time is 10 min. Teachers participating in the assessment activities were fully prepared, he