比较职场上同龄的单身白领与已婚白领的处理方式和情绪表达方式,我们可以发现单身白领可能因为太纵容自己,而获得了上司和同事的“特殊”印象。我们常听到忙碌的上司婉言劝慰那位来“告御状”的已婚人士:“你应该体谅她的情绪,体谅她的坏脾气,因为她的个人生活毕竟不如意。”我想单身白领听到这番评价肯定“义愤填膺”:难道有一份质量还难说的婚姻就可以傲视旁人了么?瞧我的敬业精神,我的拼博实绩,我的创意,哪样比已婚同事差,为什么还要得到此等评价? 单身白领超过27岁后,大多数都是年龄越大,工作中的“人情环境”越差,这主要因为单身白领总处于“形单影只”
When we compare the handling and emotional expression of single white-collar and married white-collar workers of the same age in the workplace, we can find that the single white-collar workers may obtain the “special” impression of their superiors and colleagues because they are too conniving. We often hear the busy boss politely condolence to the married woman who came to the “Imperial Court”: “You should be considerate of her emotions, understanding her bad temper, because her personal life unhappy after all.” I think single white-collar workers listen To this evaluation is certainly “indignation”: Is there a quality of the marriage can be arrogant others can see it? Look at my dedication, my hard work, my creativity, which is worse than married colleagues, why should After getting single-handedly over 27 years of age, most of them are older and their work environment has worsened. This is mainly because single white-collar workers are always in the “single form”