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《渡口》是我新系列小说中的第四篇。在此之前,我写了一个以“侏儒”为主人公的系列小说,共六篇,全是春秋时代的故事。我看着那个侏儒越来越有主见,越来越胆大妄为,越来越异想天开,开心得不得了。现在这个系列,我命名为《死亡、怜悯和皇帝之约》,准备写二十多篇,全写被唐太宗赦免的那批死囚的故事。史书对唐太宗赦免死囚这件事记载得极其简略,小说标题下的按语差不多把整个故事说完了。这件事 Ferry is the fourth of my new series of novels. Before that, I wrote a series of novels featuring “Dwarf” as the main character, a total of six, all the story of the Spring and Autumn Period. I watched the dwarf more and more assertive, more and more daring, more whimsical, very happy. Now this series, I named “death, mercy and the emperor’s appointment,” ready to write more than 20 articles, all written by the Taizong those prisoners of death for the story. Historical records on the Taizong pardon the death row recorded in this matter is extremely simple, the title under the title of the sentence almost finished the story. this matter
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