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随着商品经济的发展和产业结构的调整,农村中弃耕放荒、粗放经营、广种薄收的情况日益增多。如何使土地联产承包制适应建立农产品商品秩序的需求,是当前应该探索和研究的一个新课题。笔者根据目前联产承包的现状,就试行“三联三定”承包制谈点粗浅的想法: 一、联系口粮标准,确定口粮田。这种口粮田可以按农户座落划分,与自留地合二为一,统一安排,取消自留地和饲料地。口粮田的标准,应根据历年的产粮水平和各人的年吃粮需求量,因地区而定,一般可掌握在人均0.6亩左右为宜,同时按人或田承担一定比例的社会福利费。为了保证口粮田的稳定性,原则上长期不变,人口的自然增长变 With the development of the commodity economy and the adjustment of the industrial structure, the situation of abandoned farming and wasteland in the rural areas and extensive management has been widened. How to adapt the contract system of land contract to the production of agricultural products to meet the demand of agricultural products is a new topic that should be explored and researched at present. The author according to the status quo of the current contract of co-production, the pilot “triple triple” contract system talk about the superficial idea: First, contact rations standards to determine rations field. The rations can be divided according to peasant households and be combined with the private plots for reunification to arrange for the cancellation of the plots of reserve and feed. The standard of ration for rations should be based on the level of grain production over the years and the annual demand for food for each person. Depending on the region, it is generally appropriate to hold a rate of about 0.6 mu per capita. At the same time, a certain proportion of social welfare fees should be borne by people. In order to ensure the stability of the rations field, in principle, the natural growth of the population will change in the long run
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根据省委办公厅、省政府办公厅《关于在省内出差不准超标准伙食招待的紧急通知》的要求,现对接待备餐中的具体标准作如下规定: 1、各接待单位必须本着清洁卫生、经济实惠的
面试时如何谈薪酬? 第一、要把握好面试时讨论薪酬的时机,对此,求职者要特别注意两点:一是不要开门见山讨论薪酬。二是最好让招聘方谈薪酬。第二,求职者在提出薪酬要求时,要