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Xiao Tao Sheng is the only one who has acquired the highest position in the painting field of our country through his self taught studies. His works have been awarded several times on the national painting exhibitions and tens of them have been collected by some famous libraries of other countries. In the long time practice, he has formed his own peculiar style based on the merits of many painters. He is good at showing a faintly discernible object glittering in the light in simple and plain strokes, which is a difficult technique in oil painting. He likes to depict different faces in different ways and colors. He also tries as good skills as possible to demonstrate a positive subject. Xiao Tao Sheng is the only one who has acquired the highest position in the painting field of our country through his self taught studies. His works have been awarded several times on the national painting exhibitions and tens of them have been collected by some famous libraries of In the long time practice, he has formed his own peculiar style based on the merits of many painters. He is good at showing a faintly discernible object glittering in the light in simple and plain strokes, which is a difficult technique in oil painting. He likes to depict different faces in different ways and colors. He also tries as good skills as possible to demonstrate a positive subject.
本文报道了江西辣椒新病害11种,其中,真菌病害9种、细菌病害1种和寄生性种子植物诱发的病害1种。对它们的发生分布、症状和病原作了全面的描述。 In this paper, 11 new diseases o
  拥挤效应( crowding effect)是指对外周视野内目标刺激的识别受到该刺激周围无关刺激干扰的现象.该效应是视觉研究领域的一个重要现象,反映了个体从杂乱刺激中识别客体的
  从成年的早期开始,人类就倾向于做出有利于自己的决策,主要通过获利与损失表现出来( Figner& Weber.2011).决策中发展性的改变一般是通过与任务中的强有力的动机成分相关
孩子体弱多病,家长以 为要多吃些高级营养品,如雪耳、燕窝、洋参、鹿茸等等,结果花钱不少,孩子还是瘦弱多病。这主要是缺乏营养基本常识,迷信补品和商业广告的结果。华养学