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目的:探究在肺部真菌感染病人中,其CT影像学表现,对该病的临床诊断价值。方法:选取2014年5月~2015年12月来本院接受治疗的65例肺部真菌感染病人的临床信息资料作为研究的案例,全部65例病人都给予胸部常规CT平扫检查,回顾分析其临床信息资料,探究在肺部真菌感染病人中,其CT影像学表现,对该病的临床诊断价值。结果:通过对65例病人的临床信息资料的回顾分析可发现,有7例(10.77%)病人,其CT表现是结节性,有16例(24.62%)病人,其CT表现是实变型,有17例(26.15%)病人,其CT表现是曲菌球型,还有25例(38.46%)病人,其CT表现是弥散型。同时在病人基础疾病,与CT分型方面,存在如下联系:没有基础疾病的病人,其CT表现分型较为分散;基础疾病为肺癌的病人,其CT表现主要是弥散型;基础疾病为糖尿病的病人,其CT表现主要是实变型;基础疾病为慢性支气管扩张病人,其CT表现主要是曲菌球型;基础疾病是肺结核的病人,其CT表现主要是弥散型。结论:在肺部真菌感染病人中,其CT影像学表现是存在一定特征的,因此借助CT检查方式进行诊断,具有较高的疾病诊断准确率,同时其对于疾病的后续有效治疗,也有着良好的指导作用。 Objective: To investigate the CT imaging findings of patients with fungal pulmonary infection, the clinical diagnostic value of the disease. Methods: From May 2014 to December 2015 in our hospital to receive treatment of 65 cases of pulmonary fungal infection in patients with clinical information as a case study, all 65 patients were given conventional CT chest CT examination, retrospective analysis of its Clinical information to explore the patients with pulmonary fungal infection, the CT imaging of the clinical diagnosis of the disease value. Results: The retrospective analysis of clinical information of 65 patients showed that in 7 patients (10.77%), the CT findings were nodular. There were 16 patients (24.62%) with CT manifestations of consolidation, In 17 patients (26.15%), CT showed aspergillosis, and 25 patients (38.46%) showed diffuse CT. At the same time in the patient’s underlying disease, and CT typing, there are the following links: patients without underlying diseases, their CT manifestations were more scattered; patients with underlying disease of lung cancer, the CT manifestations are mainly diffuse; underlying diseases of diabetes Patients, the CT manifestations are mainly real variant; basic disease is chronic bronchiectasis, the CT manifestations are mainly aspergillosis; the underlying disease is tuberculosis patients, the CT manifestations are mainly diffuse. Conclusion: There are some characteristics of CT imaging in patients with fungal pulmonary infection. Therefore, the diagnostic method of CT is of high diagnostic accuracy, and is also good for the follow-up effective treatment of the disease The guiding role.
兽类学的研究,首先必须要采到标本。一般说来,小型兽类标本的采集比较容易,而大、中型的,就比较困难。 1956年,作者在黑龙江省呼玛县大兴安岭地区工作期间,曾与鄂伦春族的猎