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北京市平谷区首个幼儿琵琶班在大兴庄镇中心幼儿园成立,20名农家孩子每人一件乐器,成为第一批学员。这批琵琶由我国著名扬琴家屈连江捐赠,中国音乐学院业余音乐学校将每周派专职老师义务教授孩子们学弹琵琶。在此之前,屈连江校长“爱心成就梦想”琵琶捐赠仪式在平谷区大兴庄中心幼儿园隆重举行。区教委、镇政府相关领导出席捐赠仪式。捐赠仪式上,著名扬琴家、中国音乐协会会员、中国音乐学院 Pinggu District, Beijing’s first child Pipa classes in Daxingzhuang town center kindergarten was established, 20 farm children each one instrument, becoming the first batch of students. These pipas are donated by Qu Linjiang, a famous dulcimer in China. The Amateur Music School of China Conservatory of Music will send weekly full-time teachers to teach children to study pipa. Prior to this, President Qu Lianliang “love dreams ” pipa donation ceremony was held in Pinggu Daxingzhuang Center kindergarten. District Board of Education, the town government leaders attended the donation ceremony. At the donation ceremony, famous dulcimer, member of China Music Association and China Conservatory of Music
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