明星美容 各有高招

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曾经盛传林青霞为了保持年轻,到瑞士注射胎盘素,但未得到证实。据了解她非常不喜欢化浓妆,说是会使皮肤老化,此外她喜欢游泳保持身材,甚至怀孕四个月时还下水。前几年林青霞练过气功,可能这也是她愈来愈年轻的原因之一,但她不愿向外透露气功的名称。除了运动,林青霞还善于用保养护肤品来保护脸部肌肤,光是保养霜就有大大小小十多种,而且每次要涂七八种,她说:“习惯了,一次十几分钟就够了。”台湾歌星邓丽君在歌坛风靡近20年,她的天生丽质和婀娜身姿常令歌迷忘记了她的年龄。鲜为大陆歌迷所知的是,邓丽君嗜好以游泳作为自己养颜驻色的秘诀。邓丽君早年身居法国时,就经常与影星林青霞一起游泳。平时,她不大提倡涂抹浓妆艳粉,一般只上淡妆。在有可能的情况下,她会在繁忙的演出 Brigadier Brigitte Lin has been rumored to remain young, to Switzerland injection of placenta, but has not been confirmed. It is understood that she does not like makeup, said that it will make the skin aging, in addition, she likes to keep swimming body, or even four months pregnant when the water. A few years ago, Lam Ching-hsia practiced qigong. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why she grew younger. However, she would not disclose the name of qigong. In addition to exercise, Brigitteca is also good at using skin care products to protect the skin care, just care cream there are more than 10 kinds of large and small, and each time to apply seven or eight, she said: “used to a ten minutes Enough. ”Taiwan singer Teresa Teng in the pop music popular for nearly 20 years, her natural beauty and graceful posture often make fans forget her age. Freshly known to the mainland fans is that Teresa Teng hobby to swimming as their beauty in the secret color. Teresa resides in France early years, often with the actress Brigitte Lin swimming. Usually, she does not advocate applying makeup powder, usually only makeup. When possible, she will be busy at the show
Ingredients: 500 grams grass carp, several stalks of lemongrass, 5 leaves of lettuce. Condiments: 10 grams sweet sauce (made from fermented flour, scallion pow
27年前,即1968年——大概处于现在与第二次世界大战结束之间——我有幸得到一个机会来哈佛演讲。我想告诉你们我当年访问的一件往事。 27 years ago, 1968 - probably betwe
别忽视了这份大自然的馈赠,它创造的美容奇迹出乎我们的意料。 Do not neglect this gift of nature, it created a miracle of beauty beyond our expectations.
楞格里格楞我再也不希理他了,那家伙,真不地道。昨天他狠狠地踢了我一脚,到现在我的肋巴筋还疼呢! 其实,我昨天的表现不错,我没上厨房偷食去——坦白地说,我有时上厨房偷食
我熟悉的梦 我常做这样一个奇怪 且又惊心动魄的梦, 梦见一个不相识的女人, 我爱她,她也爱我; I am familiar with the dream I often do such a strange and thrilling dr