Fusion tracking in color and infrared images using joint sparse representation

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeep_lee
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Currently sparse signal reconstruction gains considerable interest and is applied in many fields. In this paper, a similarity induced by joint sparse representation is designed to construct the likelihood function of particle filter tracker so that the color visual spectrum and thermal spectrum images can be fused for object tracking. The proposed fusion scheme performs joint sparse representation calculation on both modalities and the resultant tracking results are fused using min operation on the sparse representation coefficients. In addition, a co-learning approach is proposed to update the reference templates of both modality and enhance the tracking robustness. The proposed fusion scheme outperforms state-of-the-art approaches, and its effectiveness is verified using OTCBVS database. Currently this sparse signal reconstruction gains considerable interest and is applied in many fields. In this paper, a similarity induced by joint sparse representation is designed to construct the likelihood function of particle filter tracker so that the color visual spectrum and thermal spectrum images can be fused for object tracking. The proposed fusion scheme performs joint sparse representation calculation on both modalities and the resultant tracking results are fused using min operation on the sparse representation coefficients. In addition, a co-learning approach is proposed to update the reference templates of both modality and enhance the tracking robustness. The proposed fusion scheme outperforms state-of-the-art approaches, and its effectiveness is verified using OTCBVS database.
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