Reliability analysis based on a novel density estimation method for structures with correlations

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:willamshao520
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Estimating the Probability Density Function(PDF) of the performance function is a direct way for structural reliability analysis,and the failure probability can be easily obtained by integration in the failure domain.However,efficiently estimating the PDF is still an urgent problem to be solved.The existing fractional moment based maximum entropy has provided a very advanced method for the PDF estimation,whereas the main shortcoming is that it limits the application of the reliability analysis method only to structures with independent inputs.While in fact,structures with correlated inputs always exist in engineering,thus this paper improves the maximum entropy method,and applies the Unscented Transformation(UT) technique to compute the fractional moments of the performance function for structures with correlations,which is a very efficient moment estimation method for models with any inputs.The proposed method can precisely estimate the probability distributions of performance functions for structures with correlations.Besides,the number of function evaluations of the proposed method in reliability analysis,which is determined by UT,is really small.Several examples are employed to illustrate the accuracy and advantages of the proposed method. Estimating the Probability Density Function (PDF) of the performance function is a direct way for structural reliability analysis, and the failure probability can be easily obtained by integration in the failure domain. However, efficiently estimating the PDF is still an urgent problem to be solved The existing fractional moment based maximum entropy has provided a very advanced method for the PDF estimation, but the main shortcoming is that it limits the application of the reliability analysis method only to structures with independent inputs.While in fact, structures with correlated inputs always exist in engineering, thus this paper improves the maximum entropy method, and applies the Unscented Transformation (UT) technique to compute the fractional moments of the performance function for structures with correlations, which is a very efficient moment estimation method for models with any inputs. The proposed method can precisely estimate the probability distributions of performance functio ns for structures with correlations.Besides, the number of function evaluations of the proposed method in reliability analysis, which is determined by UT, is really small. Overview examples are employed to illustrate the accuracy and advantages of the proposed method.
[摘 要] 伴随着社会的发展,全能型人才成为社会发展的重要活力。而任务驱动式教学模式在高职人力资源管理课程教学中的实施,为社会提供了大量的全能型人才,因此其地位逐渐升高,被教育者们引入多个学科教学。  [关 键 词] 高职;人力资源管理课程;任务驱动;教学模式  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2017)25-0213-01  人力资源管理课程在教育
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