Talk about music content and emotion of music movie "The Legend of 1900"

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  Abstract:Music in film and television arts has the unquestionably important role. It can express emotions, participate in narration, show the environment and create atmosphere. The movie "The Legend of 1900" has an important connection to The sound from The selection of material to The character's depiction. This paper will analyze The various levels of music film "The Legend of 1900", which mainly studies and analyzes The creation, characteristics, functions and presentation methods of music in The film.
  Keywords:《The Legend of 1900》;Film music;background music
  1、music creation background
  "The Legend Of 1900" was a music movie released in 1998, and its wonderful music and story blend, which touched the hearts of countless moviegoers. Soundtrack are home by the famous Italian movie soundtrack YanNi o. merek nai, familiar with merek nai knows, although merek nai is Italian, but not like most of the Italian film musician is under the influence of Italian new realism, time of sending out the pure sound of Italy, merek changeable, of the style, work also brought him countless number of multifarious faithful usage. The "soundtrack, merek nai still use lyrical string, and in order to capture the connotation of the film, and with Musical Instruments such as piano, trumpet, sachs to illustrate the variations of theme, grand magnificent sometimes, sometimes, so tender, so rich and colorful music business form brings us to the legendary story.In jazz music in the film is everywhere, in order to make the film as part of the professional level, merek nai also specially invited from all over the world many famous pianist for films, even in the movie roles.In addition to perfect deduce the colorful style of jazz music, the music of the movie has a lot of bright spots, the music has different styles between the audience and music, maybe just or long bright orchestral, becomes the scene rhythm and lively, warm atmosphere of dance music.
  2、The function of piano music
  In "The Legend Of 1900" in piano music constantly promote The development Of The film, in The film music, piano has become a part Of The movie content, both visual and auditory, piano is filled with every corner Of The film, The piano music in structure itself has driven The development Of The story, at The same time Of promoting and exactly is The deduction Of content, it is also The characteristics Of The music movie it unconsciously occupied The thread Of The movie, is deeply rooted in The hearts Of The people in The audience unknowingly. In the film, 1900 daily movements, whether still have to play on the ship, or ship it by accident when flying apart sometimes no graceful music, seems to be every note our appetite, like invisible ropes connect us and film only, let we want to stay in this moment, but hope that the notes to the next moment the holy land. Music to accelerate the development of the plot and our hearts, the ups and downs, piano is filled our ears and eyes, and our mood and soul also gradually with the change of the music and winding ups and downs.   3、"The Legend Of 1900" music content and emotion
  In The movie "The Legend Of 1900" in The beautiful piano music expression and 1900 art performance is inseparable, The film's many piano piece rocked The hearts Of The audience, The biggest reason is that with The piano emotion to impress people, historically, tens Of thousands Of piano music works and contains rich connotation and background, "The Legend Of 1900" in The piano music is not only characters in The film, The emotional expression, or inspire music lovers imagination about The movie. Since "The Legend Of 1900" was released, music in The movie has generated an emotional resonance for countless viewers, and "The Legend Of 1900" has also pioneered The use Of The piano by music.
  If you want to make a movie has whole, narrative sense, and create a complete spiritual world, and plump up the spirit world, in addition to other technical aspects of the work, film and the organic combination of the background music is a very important part of it. But it is obvious that this is a very difficult thing, and it is difficult to know how many hardships it will take. This seemingly impossible everything, not only needs to see, more must understand with the heart. The story on the screen is separated by a segment of music, and the piano and the trumpet drive the chapters. It's more like listening to a great piece of work. It's a long time to immerse yourself in it. Unable to extricate myself from 1900's perfect interpretation of human nature, unable to extricate myself from the legendary life of 1900, unable to extricate myself from the piano music which gripped my beating heart in 1900.
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当灯光亮起,一切让邱云祥惊愕得忘了惊愕。这边是烫伤眼的叔叔痛得在大叫,另一边是被自己因失误而推向水果尖刀的老同学,显然上苍为他安排了一道人生奥数,需靠自残才可解算。因而他发功指端,目标头顶,但见根根发落,唯有嘶喊声让自己的心房发颤。所发生的,在他生命历程里算是破了个冷门,冷得他灵魂一时无从寄寓。  老同学叫张丽云,高中时让同学们都遇到压力,因为和她比学习,如果一步赶不上则步步赶不上。虽然校园里有她
摘要:《乡村里的中国》以一年为时间周期,以节气为连续点,真实展现山东杓峪村的乡村生活。在欣赏纪录片的过程中,针对杜深忠家庭这一线路的故事展开进行思考。剖析夫妇俩对于精神追求态度的不同,以及不同背后的真实原因。并对社会文化供给与经济建设的平衡点提出理论依据与具体实施方法,以期为底层农民的精神追求带来一点希望与出路。  关键词:《乡村里的中国》;精神追求;现状  1 引言  《乡村里的中国》,拍摄于2
摘要:随着时代的不断发展,我国发生了翻天覆地的变化,经济持续发展,社会不断进步。在这样的大背景下,我国的志愿者事业也逐渐发展起来。在本次研究中,笔者主要关注的是文化志愿者领域,首先介绍了我国文化志愿者發展现状,接下来分析了我国文化志愿者在发展中存在的问题,最后探讨了构建文化志愿者长效服务机制的具体对策。  关键词:文化志愿者;长效服务机制;构建;策略  1我国文化志愿者发展现状分析  在新的时代背
在我国当前完善社会主义市场经济体制的过程中,金山水陆运输服务有限公司改革中原有人事行政管理模式的影响仍然存在,而要从这种模式过渡到完全意义上的人力资源管理,还有一定的差距。公司管理中,在如何制定人力资源管理政策、实施绩效考核系统使之与企业效益、长期发展达到协调关系,还有许多不足之处,还需要我们结合公司改革的状况进一步探讨。  一、企业绩效管理现状  企业管理基础和文化氛围不同,绩效管理应用的效果和
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摘要:河南总修院位于开封东郊的羊尾铺村东,由罗马教廷传信部拨款修建于1930年。这是一所专门为培养天主教中国神职人员而设立的特殊高级学校,1958年停办,前后历时28年,其间,河南天主教神职人员多系该院毕业,在我国天主教教内颇具影响。这组优秀的近现代修道院建筑群,曾经是培育中国神职人员的高级学堂,也是抗战时期老百姓的庇护所,是学校、制药厂、炼锌厂的办公和居住区,也是多部电影的拍摄基地。  关键词:
摘要:隐喻和转喻是人类的认知工具,人体部位是人类认知世界的重要参照点。作为身体部位的一部分,“脸”是一个人外貌特征最显著的标志,是辨认人的身份的重要依据。文章从认知的角度出发,对泰语中的表示人体部位“脸”即“????”的认知机制即隐喻和转喻两个方面进行浅析。  关键词:泰语;人体部位;脸;认知机制  一、引言  目前,国内外文献中关于认知语言学的研究越来越丰富。莱柯夫,约翰逊(1980),对生活中
摘要:在襄城这片沃土上,有着“中州第一禅林”的乾明寺,寺建筑的选址很独特,其朝向为坐南朝北;文庙作为中原创建最早的文庙之一,也是很早就把“庙学合一”双重体制结合的典范。照壁作为中国传统建筑艺术中的瑰宝,不仅承载着历史长河中的文化内涵,更蕴含着丰厚的传统元素。而在这两大建筑群中,都有着照壁的身影。  关键词:照壁;乾明寺;文廟  一、照壁的历史渊源  照壁也称为影壁,是现在两种比较普遍的叫法。除此之