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我区位于四川省东部,是稻瘟病常发区。当前,杂交水稻主推品种汕优63由于种植多年,抗病性减退,稻瘟病逐年加重,在部份地方已造成严重危害,更换组合的问题迫在眉睫。为此,我们主要抓了以下方面的工作,取得了一定成效。一、加强领导,精心组织地区行署将杂交水稻第三次组合更换作为科技集团承包项目。地、县种子部门联合成立了杂交水稻新组 My area is located in the eastern part of Sichuan Province, is the frequent area of ​​rice blast. At present, the main hybrid rice varieties Shanyou 63 due to planting for many years, reduced resistance, rice blast year by year, in some places have caused serious harm, the problem of replacement is imminent. To this end, we mainly focus on the following aspects of work and achieved some success. First, strengthen leadership and carefully organize regional administrative departments to replace the third hybrid rice hybrids as a technology group contracting project. The prefecture and county seed departments jointly set up a new group of hybrid rice
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Driving facial animation based on tens of tracked markers is a challenging task due to the complex topology and to the non-rigid nature of human faces. We propo
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