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中国改革开放的总设计师邓小平一生关注国计民生,重视调查研究,陇原大地曾留下他多次考察、视察的足迹。他用赤子情怀关心甘肃人民,关怀并指导着甘肃各项建设事业的发展。“这符合我们勤俭建国的精神”1956年9月,在党的八届一中全会上,邓小平当选为中共中央总书记。1957年春,他首次外出视察,选择的省份是山西、陕西、甘肃。4月4日,邓小平到达甘肃。5日,邓小平在兰州西北民族学院礼堂,向参加会议的甘肃省领导干部作报告,着重阐述了我们国家今后的主要任务是搞经济建设。他说,搞建设我 Deng Xiaoping, the chief architect of China’s reform and opening up, has paid great attention to the national economy and the people’s livelihood all his life and attached great importance to investigation and study. The land in Longyuan County has left many footprints of his inspection and inspection. He cares about the Gansu people with his feelings of pure love and cares for and guides the development of various construction undertakings in Gansu. This is in line with our spirit of building a thrift and thrift. "In September 1956, Deng Xiaoping was elected as general secretary of the CPC Central Committee at the First Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Party. In the spring of 1957, he first went out for inspection and selected provinces are Shanxi, Shaanxi and Gansu. April 4, Deng Xiaoping arrived in Gansu. On the 5th, Deng Xiaoping made a report to the leading cadres in Gansu province participating in the conference in the auditorium of the Northwest Nationalities League in Lanzhou. He emphasized that our country’s main task for the future is to engage in economic construction. He said that to build me
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A 15 mA beam from the 15-20 mA DC H- multicusp source has been obtained at CIAE.In order to improve the emmittance of extracted beam from this new multicusp sou
在全球经济一体化的今天,谁能站在世界经济的前沿,谁能洞察未来的商业发展趋势,谁能创造一种沟通社会的和谐文化,谁将会主导潮流,也会成为将来最成功的赢家! In today’s gl