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1958年4月12日贵溪县河潭乡光明社复员军人徐来旺3月13日写信给邵省长,反映当地粮食供应方面的一些问题,经邵省长批示由省人民委员会办公厅、监察厅、粮食厅会同贵溪县人民委员会进行检查。本会基本同意这一检查报告,现批转给你们,希对贵溪县某些地区粮食供应问题予以注意和实事求是的研究解决。同时,应加强对群众的政冶思想教育工作,批判那些不缺叫缺,少缺叫多缺,自己可以节约俭用克服的困难,也不去克服而盲目向政府要粮的错误思想;对于某些地、富、反革命分子在粮食问题上兴风作浪,造谣破坏的,要及时揭发,坚决打击。各地在这一段期间,应加强对粮食统销工作的重视和领导,尤其是去年某些受灾的乡、社,更应教育和组织群众节约渡荒,以利春耕生产的大跃进。附:关于贵溪县河潭乡光明社复员军人徐来旺反映粮食供应问题的检查报告 On April 12, 1958, Xu Laiwang, a soldier of Guangming She, Hetan Township, Guixi County, wrote to Governor Shao on March 13 to reflect some of the problems concerning the local grain supply. After Governor Shao’s instruction was instructed by the General Office of the Provincial People’s Committee, Hall, the food hall in conjunction with Guixi County People’s Committee for inspection. This Council basically agrees with this inspection report and hereby forwards it to you and hopes to pay attention to and seek truth from facts on the grain supply in some areas of Guixi County. At the same time, we should step up our education on the ideological and political work of the masses, criticize the erroneous ideas that we can not overcame the problem of blindly asking the government for grain, In some areas, rich and counter-revolutionary elements have been making troubles on the issue of food and spreading rumors and vandalism, they should promptly expose and resolutely crack down on them. During this period, all localities should strengthen their emphasis and leadership over the nationalization of foodstuffs. In particular, some affected townships and communes in the past year should educate and organize the people to save the shortage and to facilitate the great leap in plowing. Attachment: Inspection Report on the Problem of Food Supply Reflected by Xu Laiwang, Soldier of Guangming She, Tan Tam Township, Guixi County
A model of an energy selective electron (ESE) engine with linear heat leakage and Lorentzian transmission probability is established in this paper.The expressio
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