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  People often say that love turns up in the unlikeliest of places, or that love will come to you when you 1) expect it. In some love stories, those old idioms[习惯用语] couldn’t be more true.
  Take the story of Gordon MacDonald. Gordon was working in a grocery store[杂货店] in Canada when he opened a case of pineapple juice that had been 2) from the Philippines. Inside the case, hidden amongst the bottles of juice, Gordon found a note. The only thing written on it was “pen pal wanted.”
  Although the date on the note said that it had been written 11 months earlier, Gordon decided to go out on a limb and write back. He wanted the mysterious note writer to know where their letter ended up. So he sent his reply 3) the world to the Philippines.
  A few weeks later, Gordon’s letter 4) at the door of Gilda Feliciano. Gilda had been working at a pineapple juice factory in the Philippines when she put her original[最初的] letter in a crate[柳条箱] of pineapple juice. She hadn’t 5) anything to come of it, but she sent Gordon a Christmas card to let him know she had 6) his letter.
  That Christmas card sparked a 7) year correspondence[通信]. At first, they wrote to each other once a week. Then, they began writing every day. Their daily letters turned into long phone calls, and eventually, a marriage proposal. In 1982, Gordon 8) to the Philippines to marry Gilda. They are still married today, 33 years later. All thanks to a case of pineapple juice.
  Or there’s the story of Paolina and Ake Viking. In 1955, Ake was a Swedish 9) on a long trip at sea when he dropped a message in a bottle overboard. Eventually, the bottle washed ashore in Sicily, Italy, where a fisherman found it and took it to his daughter as a joke. His daughter, Paolina, amazed that the bottle had made it so far, wrote back to Ake. Soon, the two were 10) letters and photographs, and falling in love. In 1958, Ake traveled to Sicily to marry Paolina.
  These two love stories just go to show that true love really can strike anywhere.

  turn up 发现,出现
  unlikely [Qn5laIklI] a. 不可能发生的
  go out on a limb 冒险一试
  mysterious [mI5stIErIEs] a. 神秘的
  reply [rI5plaI] v. 答复
  spark [spB:k] v. 引起,激发
  eventually [I5ventjJElI] ad. 最后
  proposal [prE5pEJzEl] n. 求婚
  overboard [5EJvEbC:d] ad. 向船外;落水
  ashore [E5FC:] ad. 在岸上
  strike [straIk] v. 使突然发生
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