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1906年,社会各界努力多年的《联邦食品与药品法》终经美国国会两院一致通过,并由时任总统西奥多·罗斯福于同年签署生效,成为美国历史上首部涵盖整个联邦范围的食品药品监管法律。事实上,自19世纪80年代开始,先于美国联邦政府而动的各州政府就已开始陆续制定适用于本州范围内的食品药品监管法案,国会也先后颁布了涉及黄油和进口药品的单项法案,但因受制于适用范围所限而无法推及全国。监管法规的不统一某种程度上不仅恶化了国内食品药品贸易秩序,而且也削弱了美国产品在国际市场上的竞争力,这对于食品药品业界来说同样也是非常不利的。若将《联邦食品与药品法》置于美国历史发展进程中做长时段考量,它既是对此前自南北战争后至20世纪初美国社会内部各群体要求联邦政府针对掺假食品药品厉行监管这一强烈呼声的有力回应,也是食品药品监管实现由此前的地方自主管理升格为联邦监管的重要标志,奠定了美国现代食品药品监管体制的法律基础,还是联邦政府随着美国社会转型迈入工业时代后所做的动态政策选择,借此也有力强化、提升了政府的治理能力和公共权威,具有多重历史意义。 In 1906, the “Food and Drug Law of the Federation”, which has been working for many years in all walks of life, was unanimously passed by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and was signed by the then President Theodore Roosevelt in the same year to become the first food in the history of the United States that covers the entire federal territory Drug regulatory law. In fact, since the 1880s, the state governments that moved ahead of the federal government of the United States have started to gradually apply the Food and Drug Administration Act applicable to this state. Congress has also enacted individual bills that deal with butter and imported drugs. However, due to the limitation of the scope of application can not be pushed to the country. Inconsistent regulatory regulations not only worsen the domestic food and drug trade order to a certain extent, but also weaken the competitiveness of American products in the international market. This is also very unfavorable to the food and drug industry. Taking the Federal Food and Drug Law for a long period of time in the course of historical development in the United States is not only a long period of time since the various groups in the United States since the Civil War and the early 20th century have demanded that the federal government supervise the administration of adulterated food and drug products Strong response strong voices, but also food and drug regulatory achieved by the previous local self-management upgraded to federal regulation of an important symbol of the United States laid the legal basis for the modern food and drug regulatory system, or the federal government as the United States into the industrial era after the social transition The dynamic policy choices made by them have also strengthened the government’s ability of governance and public authority, which has multiple historical significance.
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本刊二届三次编委会工作会议于1990—9—22在老干部活动室召开,19名编委和顾问出席了会议。会议由编委会第一副主任张清朗厂长助理主持。会议议题是: 1.听取上次会议以来编