每期的品鉴经典,都仿佛一头扎进汽车历史的浩瀚海洋,在欢喜赞叹之余,也多少有些隔靴搔痒的无奈。毕竟什么奔驰150、凯迪拉克Eldorado、GTR R34等等,基本都是些看得见,摸不着的高端货色,对祖国人民而言,是地地道道的只可远观,而“不屑去玩焉”。令人欣喜的是,本期的主角则完全不同,它不仅令人倍感亲切,还可以勾起你不少尘封已久的美好回忆。它就是90年代中国豪华车的代表——奥迪100。
Each tasting classic, are like a car plunged into the vast ocean of history, apart from the joy of praise, but also somewhat helpless itch. After all, what the Mercedes-Benz 150, Cadillac Eldorado, GTR R34 and so on, are basically some of the visible, inadvertently high-end goods, for the people of the motherland, is to be only farsighted, and “disdain to play Yan ”. The good news is that this issue of the protagonist is completely different, it not only makes people feel more intimate, you can also arouse many of your beautiful long-awaited memories. It is the 90’s representative of luxury cars in China - the Audi 100.