目前,有不少五十年代或六十年代初至今一直从事会计工作的同志,他们大部份是工作中的骨干,有实际工作经验.但这些同志的文化水平一般较低,也没有受过正规的专业培训,不能适应当前的工作要求.上级财政部门、业务主管部门要关心这些老会计的培训问题,可在会计专业学校增设进修班,省、地、县可办多层次培训班,凡能参加函授、电大、夜大学习的让他们尽量参加,能自学的为他们创造自学条件. (山东潍坊市寒亭区经委刘殿林) 我院发现有些单位开出的收款收据,只有处、科、室等行政部门公章,没有财务部门专用
At present, there are quite a few comrades who have been engaged in accounting since the 1950s or the beginning of the 1960s. Most of them are the backbone of their work and have practical working experience. However, these comrades generally have a low level of literacy and are not well-regulated Of the professional training, can not meet the current job requirements. Higher financial departments, business departments should be concerned about the training of these old accounting problems, accounting schools can be additional classes, provinces, prefectures and counties to do multi-level training courses, who can To participate in correspondence, TV, night learning to let them try to attend, self-study to create self-learning conditions for them. (Shandong Weifang Hanting Economic Commission Liu Dianlin) Found some units in our hospital collection receipts, only the Department, Room and other administrative departments official seal, there is no dedicated financial department