[Cu(en)_2]_(0.5)[Al_3P_3O_(12)(OH)]-aluminophosphate with zeotype AWO:Synthesis,crystal structure an

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A new aluminophosphate [Cu(en)2]0.5[Al3P3O12(OH)] (denoted as AlPO-CJ53; en = ethylenediamine) with zeotype AWO topology has been synthesized under hydrothermal conditions in which the self-assembled Cu(en)22+ cations in the reaction system act as the template. AlPO-CJ53 crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/n (No. 14) with a = 0.85547(11) nm, b = 1.7671(2) nm, c = 0.90500(12) nm, β= 107.725(2)°, V = 1.3031(3) nm3. Its framework consists of AlO4(OH)/AlO4 and PO4 units forming 8-ring channels along the c direction, where the copper complex cations Cu(en)22+ are located to neutralize the negative charges of the framework. AlPO-CJ53 transforms to AlPO4-25 with zeotype ATV upon calcination at 400 °C. A new aluminophosphate [Cu (en) 2] 0.5 [Al3P3O12 (OH)] (denoted as AlPO-CJ53; en = ethylenediamine) with zeotype AWO topology has been synthesized under hydrothermal conditions in which the self- assembled Cu Crystallization of the AlPO-CJ53 in the monoclinic space group P21 / n (No. 14) with a = 0.85547 (11) nm, b = 1.7671 (2) nm, c = 0.90500 (12) Its framework consists of 8-ring channels along the c direction, where the copper complex cations Cu (en) 22+ are located to neutralize the negative charges of the framework. AlPO-CJ53 transforms to AlPO4-25 with zeotype ATV upon calcination at 400 ° C.
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