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2009年最后一期的文学期刊中,最值得关注的是《人民文学》第12期的“海外新华人作家专号”。近几年来,新海外华人的创作实力逐年上升,上年度的中短篇佳作已与大陆文坛有分庭抗礼之势,本年度无论长短篇都几占半壁江山。“专号”是其实力的集中展现,其中,陈谦的《望断南飞雁》(中篇)、陈河的《沙捞越战事》(长篇)、袁劲梅的《老康的哲学》(中篇)都堪称力作。《人民文学》第11期的质量也颇骄人,韩少功的《赶马的老三》(中篇)、须一瓜的《火车火车娶老婆没有》都颇具分量。《人民文学》本年度确实表现出色。年初扩版后,不但推出了《一句顶一万句》、《金山》等重头长篇,中短篇佳作也精彩纷呈,本年论坛编选的年选本篇目半数以上来源于此刊。本期值得推荐的作品还有:刘庆邦的《我们的村庄》(《十月》,中篇)对当下农村的生活状态和权力结构进行了深入的发掘和有力的表现;晓航的《灵魂深处的大象》(《中国作家》,中篇)以轻盈的想象揭示现实沉重的命题;孙未的《点火》(《上海文学》第12期,短篇)和滕肖岚的《爱会长大》(《收获》第6期,中篇)分别对白领群的新型男女关系和“80后”“闪婚族”的情感状态有着敏感的发现捕捉,且感觉细腻,用笔精准,新鲜可人。此外,莫言又推出了新长篇《蛙》(《收获》)。这一在“稳定高产”状态下的又一大制作不但依然缺乏思想内涵,更遗憾的是才华尽失——那种莫言式的才华即使在《生死疲劳》那样的急就章里也惯性保持着。唯一引人眼球的是题材,有关新中国计划生育的故事特别能引起西方读者的兴趣,小说中全无艺术功用的书信体的采用几乎挑明了作家的读者预期。这部小说的最大价值恐怕也就在于作为中国作家“诺贝尔焦虑症”的解读个案。篇幅所限,本期重点摘编推出重要作品期刊点评,其他刊物从略。(主持人:邵燕君) The most worthy of attention in the literary periodicals in the last issue of 2009 is “The Overseas Chinese Writers in China” in the 12th issue of “People’s Literature”. In recent years, the overseas Chinese’s creative power has risen year by year. The short and medium-length masterpieces of the previous year have taken a rivalry against the mainland literary circles. This year, no matter how long or short, they account for almost half of the total number. Among them, Chen Qian’s “Wanganan Nan Feiyan” (medium), Chen River’s “Sarawak Warfare” (long), Yuan Jinmei’s “philosophy of old and kang ”(Part) are great masterpieces. The quality of the eleventh period of “People’s Literature” is also quite impressive. Han Shaogong’s “Lao San (The Passage Of The Three Horsemen)” (Article), and “The Train Train To Marry His Wife” are indisputable. “People’s Literature” really did well this year. After the expansion at the beginning of this year, not only the “Top Ten Thousand Sentences” and “Jinshan” were launched, but also featured short and medium-length masterpieces. More than half of the entries selected for this year’s forum are from this edition. Among the recommended works of this period are Liu Qingbang’s “Our Village” (“October”, medium-length), which explores and displays the present rural life and power structure in depth. (“Chinese writer”, medium-sized) reveals the heavy-hearted proposition with light imagination. Sun Wei’s “Ignition” (“Shanghai Literature” No. 12, Short) and Teng’s “Love to Grow Up” (Harvest No. 6, Intermediate) were sensitive to find and capture the feelings of the new white-collar group of men and women and the “80 ” “Flash marriage family ”, and feel fine, with pen precision, fresh Pleasant In addition, Mo Yan introduced a new long article “frog” (“Harvest”). This yet another major production under the condition of “stable and high yield” not only lacks ideological connotations, but regrettably talented people make up for the loss - that kind of momentary talent keeps inertia even in the impatience of “life and death” With The only thing that catches the eye is the subject matter. The stories about family planning in New China can especially arouse the interest of western readers. The use of no-art epistolary letters in the novel almost drew the writer’s readers’ expectations. The greatest value of this novel probably lies in the interpretation of the case of Chinese writer Nobel anxiety. Limit the length of this issue highlights the introduction of important journals periodical reviews, other publications omitted. (Moderator: Shao Yanjun)
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解几中的有关对称问题,课本中没有给出系统内容,但解题中又经常用到,本文将结合图形,根据对称特点,找出规律,予以总结.1.“点关于点”的对称.点 P(x_1,y_1)关于 M(x_0,y_0)
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