The authors reported 457 thyroid nodules, of which 405 were tumors, 76 were malignant, accounting for 16.6%, and 20 were “junctional” tumors, accounting for 4.4%. When the thyroid scan shows cold or cold nodules, 23% can be malignant. Preoperative or intraoperative needle aspiration or frozen section examination is beneficial to determine the surgical style. Single thyroid nodules are best done with lobectomy or subtotal lobectomy. Even if the pathology is cancer, they can be closely observed. The authors believe that thyroid cancer without cervical lymph node metastasis should be performed with ipsilateral lobectomy and no need for preventive neck dissection. For locally advanced cancer, if possible, palliative resection should be performed, and postoperative supplementation of radiotherapy can still receive satisfactory results.