
来源 :中国组织工程研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:th3966733
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背景:一般认为在失重状态下,脊柱会出现异常延长、椎旁肌萎缩、椎体骨量丢失、椎间盘的高度和面积增加以及椎间盘组成成分的改变,这些都可能是导致腰痛发生率高的原因。目的:观察腰椎骨质微结构变化分析模拟失重状态对恒河猴腰椎生物力学的影响。方法:将14只青壮年恒河猴随机分为2组:对照组7只,实验期间在笼内自由活动;实验组7只,采用头低位-10°捆卧于特制的床上模拟失重。结果与结论:1Micro-CT检查的结果:实验组中骨小梁的结构模型指数数值增加,骨小梁由板状向杆状转变,单位长度内骨组织与非骨组织交点数量下降,骨小梁之间的髓腔平均宽度增加,提示在实验组中出现了骨质疏松的征象;2光学显微镜下可见实验组骨增生线排列紊乱、不规则,终板下粗大的骨小梁浅层变细小、骨小梁的排列方向基本垂直与软骨终板,越接近终板表面,骨小梁愈变得细小,与对照组相比这些细小的小梁骨变细且弯曲,骨髓腔呈椭圆形,小梁骨之间交织连接程度差,体现出明显的骨质疏松的结构特点;3说明失重条件可对恒河猴腰椎运动单元的生物力学性能产生影响 Background It is generally accepted that an abnormal prolongation of the spine, paravertebral muscle atrophy, loss of vertebral bone mass, increased height and area of ​​the intervertebral disc, and changes in the components of the disc during weightlessness may all contribute to the high incidence of back pain . OBJECTIVE: To observe the changes of lumbar vertebral bone microarchitecture to evaluate the effects of simulated weightlessness on lumbar biomechanics in rhesus monkeys. Methods: Fourteen young adult Rhesus macaques were randomly divided into two groups: control group of 7, free movement in the cage during the experiment; experimental group of 7, head to head lying -10 ° lying in a special bed simulated weightlessness. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The results of 1Micro-CT examination showed that the structural model index of trabecular bone in the experimental group increased, the trabecular bone changed from plate to rod, the number of intersections of bone tissue and non-bone tissue per unit length decreased, The average width of the medullary canal between the beams increased, suggesting that signs of osteoporosis appeared in the experimental group. 2 Under the light microscope, the bone hyperplasia lines in the experimental group were arranged irregularly and irregularly. Small trabecular arranged in the direction perpendicular to the cartilage endplate, the closer to the endplate surface, the trabecular becomes more small, compared with the control group of these small trabecular thinning and bending, marrow cavity oval , Trabecular bone between the poor degree of interwoven connection, showing obvious structural features of osteoporosis; 3 weightlessness conditions can have impact on the lumbar motility unit biomechanical properties