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现就两篇译介的赏析文章谈到的两件作品作些约略介绍。两件作品都展览在梵蒂岗的贝尔维德尔美术馆。阿波罗创作于公元前四世纪,1485年发现于意大利安齐奥。阿波罗是希腊神话中的太阳神,理音乐、诗歌、箭术、预言,并为九位司文艺女神首领。是天神宙斯的儿子。形象均为美少年。他生于爱琴海的德罗斯岛,曾在德尔菲杀死巨蛇。文中提到的潘多拉是神话中第一个女人,曾得到过诸神赠予的各种技能。她有一个匣子,内装各种害物和灾难,被打开之后,它们飞到世界上为害,但只有“希望”留了下来,所以希望在人间。文中还提到了皮格马连,他是神话中的一个雕刻家和塞浦路斯岛的国王。他雕刻出了一个美女,并且爱上了她;女神阿芙罗狄特给了她生命,于是皮格马连与她结婚。另一件是海格力斯的躯干残雕,创作于公元前二世纪,发现于十五世纪。海格力斯是希腊神话中的英雄,体魄雄健,力大无穷。阿波罗曾命他为一位国王效劳,他完成了十二件功绩。文中提及的便是其中几件。还有一件值得一提:他洗清了奥吉亚斯国王的牛圈。牛圈养过三千头牛,有三十年没有打扫。海格力斯疏引河水,迅速扫净。故英语中“清洗奥吉亚斯牛圈”这一成语意指清理长期积累的环境、道德、宗教和法律等方面的大量污秽。希腊神话中的形象主要分为神和英雄,特点是神和人有共同性。希腊人是爱美的,美的对象主要是健壮、匀称、优美的人体,用以表现神、英雄和人以及古代奥林匹克运动会的优秀运动员,多为裸体雕象,分为浮雕和园雕。这个传统源于埃及,但希腊艺术家对人体的研究及其在艺术上的表现达到、登峰造极的水平。公元前六至四世纪为希腊文化艺术的顶盛时期,尤其是在公元前五世纪雅典国王伯里克理斯时代。大部分艺术作品都残遭破坏,完整存世者甚少,实在令人无限惋惜。 Now on the two translated articles Appreciation articles mentioned two pieces of work for some brief introduction. Both pieces are exhibited at the Belvedere Art Gallery in Vatican City. Apollo was created in the fourth century BC, discovered in 1485 in Anzio, Italy. Apollo is a solar god in Greek mythology, music, poetry, archery, prophecy, and nine divisions of the goddess of literature and art. Is the god Zeus’s son. The image is beautiful boy. Born on the island of Dros in the Aegean Sea, he killed a giant serpent at Delphi. Pandora mentioned in the article is the first woman in mythology, has been given the various skills gifts of gods. She had a box containing various pests and disasters, and after being opened, they flew to the world, but only “hope” stayed behind, so I hoped it would be in the world. The article also mentions Pigeonman, a mythical sculptor and king of the island of Cyprus. He carved a beautiful woman, and fell in love with her; Goddess Aphrodite gave her life, so Pigeon Marion married her. The other is the carved trunk of Hercules, which was created in the second century BC and found in the fifteenth century. Hercules is a hero in the Greek mythology, powerful, immense power. Apollo had appointed him to serve a king, he completed a dozen achievements. Mentioned in the article is one of several pieces. One more thing worth mentioning: He cleaned the bull ring of King Ogyias. Niu Niu raised three thousand cattle, thirty years without cleaning. Hercules diverted the river and quickly cleaned the net. Therefore, the English phrase “cleaning the rim of Ogyias” means to clean up the long-term accumulation of environmental, moral, religious and legal aspects of a large number of contamination. Greek mythology is divided into the main image of God and heroes, characterized by God and people have commonality. The Greeks are beauty-loving. The objects of beauty are mainly robust, well-proportioned and graceful human beings. They show the gods, heroes and people as well as elite athletes in the ancient Olympic Games. They are mostly nude statues, which are divided into relief and garden carvings. This tradition originated in Egypt, but the Greek artist’s research on the human body and its artistic performance have reached a peak level. The sixth to fourth centuries BC were the culmination of Greek art and culture, especially during the era of the King Charles Burick of Athens in the fifth century BC. Most of the works of art are vandalized and there are very few surviving people. It is an absolute regret.
支气管腺瘤包括一些原发于粘膜下腺体或腺导管细胞的肿瘤,是一种少见的低度恶性真性肿瘤.我院从1974年4月至1985年7月共收治支气管腺瘤8例.现将诊治体会介绍如下: Bronchial
黑岩中的对话这里凿岩机钻进了海洋我的心,你狂跑又停顿,要求更多的血,为了你那黑人铜乐的敲打, 直到我,这架你的崇敬使之昏眩的机器击响了这只手的跋, 松掉了螺母和脚镣。
目前,由于子宫癌的普查,宫颈癌的检出病侧增加了。据日本妇产科学会子宫癌登记委员会统计,在宫颈癌治疗患者中,0期(原位癌)及 Ia 期(微小浸润癌)病例约占4o%。但是,以子宫癌
作者从1972~1985年,对81例睾丸肿瘤常规用16MV X 线,以单一前野照射主动脉旁和髂淋巴结来观察胃十二指肠并发症。以中平面为指定剂量,体厚15~24cm,平均20cm。在此种情况下,位