
来源 :建筑工人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:minhu315
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江苏省响水县中学新建一座教师宿舍楼。建筑物长97m,7层,距离学校配电室390m,采用三层三相四线架空线路送电,导线截面为LGJ-90,沿途用电建筑物有教学楼、学生食堂、学生宿舍、综合楼和实验楼等。由于沿途用电量较大,新建的2号教师宿舍楼又是送电末端。配电室电压已调到400V,功率因数cos(?)为0.8。工地施工用电总容量为78.7kW,有2部塔吊,每台塔吊主电机为11kW,当一部塔吊重载启动时,电压下降到280V、功率因数cos(?)为0.5,无法启动,工地无 Xiangshui County, Jiangsu Province, a new teacher building dormitory. The building is 97m long and 7 floors long. It is 390m away from the distribution room of the school. It is powered by a three-layer three-phase four-wire overhead line with a cross-section of LGJ-90. There are teaching buildings, student canteens and student dormitories Building and laboratory building. Due to the larger electricity consumption along the way, the new No. 2 teacher dormitory is the power transmission terminal. Distribution room voltage has been transferred to 400V, power factor cos (?) Is 0.8. The construction site has a total power consumption of 78.7kW, with 2 cranes, each with 11kW. When a crane is heavily loaded, the voltage drops to 280V, the power factor cos (?) Is 0.5 and can not be started. The site no
In multiple sclerosis (MS), nystagmus or internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) are the usual ocular motor dysfunctions. However, in patients with focal brainstem l
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Objective.-To assess whether migraine is associated with retinal microvascular caliber.Background.-Migraine is believed to be associated with vascular disease,b
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