
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hh2006pk
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Aims: To develop a diagnostic algorithm using rim/disc area asymmetry ratio (RADAAR) to discriminate between normal and glaucomatous eyes using the Heidelberg retina tomograph (HRT). Methods: RADAAR was calculated by dividing rim/disc area ratio of the larger disc by that of the smaller disc. RADAAR normal tolerances in each disc sector were generated using 611 population based normal elderly individuals (mean age 72.5 years). Overall status for each individual was equal to the worst disc sector. Sensitivity was assessed in 45 patients with open angle glaucoma. Results: RADAAR variance was significantly greater in glaucoma compared with normality in all disc sectors (p< 0.001). Normal RADAAR limits were not dependent on age or sex. Overall, at the 99th percentile limit, the diagnostic algorithm’s specificity was 95.1%with a sensitivity of 55.6%. Males with glaucoma showed greater RADAAR variance than females. Corresponding sensitivity of the diagnostic algorithm was 63.0%and 44.4%in males and females respectively, although this difference was not statistically significant (p=0.43). Conclusion: The RADAAR diagnostic algorithm detected glaucoma with moderate sensitivity but was limited by significant numbers of glaucoma patients with symmetrical optic disc changes. RADAAR may have greater sensitivity in males than in females although this requires confirmation in further studies. Aims: To develop a diagnostic algorithm using rim / disc area asymmetry ratio (RADAAR) to discriminate between normal and glaucomatous eyes using the Heidelberg retina tomograph (HRT). Methods: RADAAR was calculated by dividing rim / disc area ratio of the larger disc by that the smaller disc. RADAAR normal tolerances in each disc sector were generated using 611 population based normal elderly individuals (mean age 72.5 years). Overall status for each individual was equal to the worst disc sector. Results: The RADAAR variance was significantly greater in glaucoma compared with normality in all disc sectors (p <0.001). Normal, RADAAR limits were not dependent on age or sex. Overall, at the 99th percentile limit, the diagnostic algorithm’s specificity was 95.1 % with a sensitivity of 55.6%. Males with glaucoma showed greater RADAR variance than females. Corresponding sensitivity of the diagnostic algorithm was 63.0% and 44.4% in ma les and females respectively, although this difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.43). Conclusion: The RADAAR diagnostic algorithm detected glaucoma with moderate sensitivity but was limited by significant numbers of glaucoma patients with symmetrical optic disc changes. RADAR may have greater sensitivity in males than in females although this requires confirmation in further studies.
一个深思的问题:前几天,一位朋友无奈说起自己孩子不喜欢学习,非常害怕老师。  小学是孩子接受九年义务教育的初级阶段,如果此时孩子就已经开始讨厌学习,害怕老师,从而萌生逃学思想,这无异于给孩子的健康成长道路上开了红灯。作为一名教师,我们有义务有责任去反思我们的教育教学行为,到底是什么泯灭了一个孩子的求学热情?  该生惧怕学习,他与其教师就像老鼠与猫,情绪不愉快,师生关系疏远,要解决上述问题,当从改善
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摘要:在英语阅读教学设计中,教师要注意提问的质量,在问题设计时,要精心组织,甚至对某一个问题学生可能有的几种回答,对于学生这种或那种回答怎么引导,怎么分析,怎么有意识训练学生能力等,都要事先考虑周全。  关键词:英语阅读;课堂提问;提问设计  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)21-066-2  现在初中英语教学中,阅读教学已经占主导地位,这几年的中考走向