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目前发射车的定位定向普遍采用GPS、惯导及寻北仪等测量方法或后方交汇解算方法。测量法易受干扰、精度低而且寻北时间长;而解算法没有研究经纬仪存在姿态倾角时测量点三维坐标及载体姿态角的求解问题。本文提出了一种新的导弹发射车快速精确定位定向的方法:首先利用捷联安装在车体上的光电探测器,分别探测地面上三个坐标位置已知的靶标,得到三组方位角和俯仰角,并结合车载导航设备给出的发射车概略坐标、姿态角信息解算出发射车更精确的坐标、姿态角。通过实验研究论证,表明此方法具有速度快、精度高、自动化及智能化程度高的特点,能够有效缩短发射车准备时间、提高导弹发射的反应速度。 At present, launch vehicles generally adopt the GPS, inertial navigation, and north-finding or other measuring methods or the rear intersection and settlement method. The measurement method is susceptible to interference with low accuracy and long search time; however, the solution algorithm does not study the problem of solving the three-dimensional coordinates of the measurement point and the attitude angle of the carrier when the attitude of the theodolite exists. In this paper, a new method of fast and accurate positioning and launching of a missile launch vehicle is proposed. First, a photodetector strap-mounted on a vehicle body is used to detect three known target points on the ground and obtain three sets of azimuths Pitch angle, and combined with vehicle navigation equipment given launcher approximate coordinates, attitude angle information to solve the launch vehicle more accurate coordinates, attitude angle. The experimental research shows that this method has the characteristics of high speed, high precision, high degree of automation and intelligence, which can effectively shorten the launch vehicle preparation time and improve the missile launch response speed.
新中国60年有影响力的期刊和期刊人,于2009年12月22日在北京第四届中国期刊创新年会上颁出。本刊荣获新中国60年有影响力的期刊,本刊总编辑孟祥琴获新中国60年有影响 New Ch
一个春天的早上,我被一连串琐事折磨得心灰意冷。过马路的时候,我怀疑自己会被大公共汽车轧扁。但,一年之计在于春啊,一日之计在于晨啊,一个春天的早晨,我不能任由莫名其妙的负面势力给毁掉。  我想,去超市的花店买一大束百合花,我的心情就会好起来吧。我看着花店的人正在卸货,刚到的各种花卉。但一辆出租车停在我面前,早高峰不好打车,我就上了车,放弃了百合花。  一路好堵!我在车上给父母打电话,母亲病了……  
根据《全国艾滋病检测技术规范》(2009年修订版)的要求,目前我国以诊断为目的的艾滋病病毒(Human immunode-ficiency virus,HIV)抗体检测流程,是先用筛查试剂进行初筛检测,呈
Objective To study the role of cerebrovascular hemodynamic indexes(CVHI)changing in stroke and to provide reference for stroke prevention and risk factor study.
有很多人觉得做人很累,希望自己生活得潇洒自如,轻松自在,实际生活中往往事与愿违。据心理学家分析主要与行为方式及心理因素有关。 Many people think that being very ti