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来源 :江西农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baogehaohao
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《江西农业科技》创刊十周年了。在这不平凡的十年中,它拌随着时代的脉搏,走过不平坦的道路。创刊伊始,正是轻视科学、鼓励愚昧的年代,尽管苦心经营,仍然得不到发展。粉碎了“四人帮”,人们欢呼科学春天的到来,但还有陡峭的春寒。直到党的十一届三中全会后,明媚的春光才真正洒满了大地,冰雪融化,万物复苏。农业科技工作者从没有这样心情舒畅,精神振奋;广大农民也没有这样相信科学,渴求科学。在重视知识和人才的环境下,《江西农业科技》这株科技幼苗,迎着朝阳,茁壮成长。 “Jiangxi Agricultural Science and Technology” founded the tenth anniversary. In this extraordinary decade, it mixes with the pulse of the times, walking through the uneven road. At the beginning of the publication, it was exactly the era of ignoring science and encouraging ignorance. Despite painstaking efforts, it still lacks development. The “Gang of Four,” which smashed the people, hails the arrival of Science Spring, but there is also a steep spring cold. Until the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Party, the bright spring was truly full of the earth, snow and ice, everything recovery. Agricultural science and technology workers have never felt so relaxed and uplifted. The vast majority of peasants did not believe in science and thirst for science. Under the circumstance of attaching importance to knowledge and talents, “Jiangxi Agricultural Science and Technology” is a scientific and technological seedling that is facing the sunrise and thriving.
Helicon plasma sputtering of Fe/Si multilayer followed by thermal annealing in Ar atmosphere was used to fabricate β-FeSi_2 films. [Fe 0.5nm/Si 1.6nm]_ 120
现将 2 0 0 2年我国小儿风湿病诊断治疗进展简述如下。1 幼年特发性关节炎 (JIA)在中华医学会儿科分会免疫学组的推动下 ,国内儿科临床正逐步接受国际风湿病学联盟关于儿童
Metal matrix composite coating Ni-Fe/SiC was prepared on an iron-based substrate bythermal spraying combined with laser cladding,using SiC particulates as the r