某大型输水泵站底板混凝土量为23230 m~3,底板厚度2.0m,施工属于大体积混凝土,为使大体积混凝土施工符合技术先进、经济合理、安全适用的原则,确保工程质量,需采取相应的技术和管理措施。本文从混凝土配合比的确定、浇筑、测温等方面进行了较为详细的阐述,并提出了泵站底板大体积混凝土在浇筑过程中管理措施,确保了本工程优质高速地建成。可为类似工程的施工提供参考和借鉴。
The concrete floor of a large pumping station is 23230 m ~ 3, the floor thickness is 2.0m. The construction belongs to mass concrete. In order to ensure the quality of the project, mass concrete construction conforms to the principle of advanced technology, reasonable economy and safe application, Corresponding technical and management measures. This paper elaborates concretely on the aspects such as the ratio of concrete, pouring, temperature measurement and so on, and puts forward the management measures of pouring mass concrete in bottom floor of pump station to ensure the completion of this project with high quality and high speed. It can provide reference and reference for the construction of similar projects.