
来源 :公路交通科技(应用技术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cppgreate
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斜拉桥主塔施工时,当塔肢处于悬臂施工状态时,在自重和施工荷载等作用下,塔柱横截面上会形成弯矩,可能会导致塔柱薄弱截面(例如塔座根部、中塔柱根部等)边缘混凝土出现较大的拉应力而开裂。为消除倾斜塔柱薄弱截面这种不良应力状态,在施工过程中,需要在下塔柱设置主动拉杆、中塔柱设置主动撑杆形成反弯矩,以抵消自重等产生的弯矩,避免塔柱产生较大拉应力及裂缝。本文以大门大桥主塔为例,详细介绍主动拉杆及主动撑杆设计思路及施工控制要点,希望能为今后类似桥梁结构设计提供参考。 During the construction of the main tower of cable-stayed bridge, when the tower limbs are in the cantilever construction state, the bending moment will be formed on the cross-section of the tower column due to the self-weight and construction load, which may lead to the weak section of the tower column (for example, Tower root, etc.) edge of the concrete appears larger tensile stress and cracking. In order to eliminate this bad stress state of the weak cross section of the inclined tower, during the construction process, an active tie rod needs to be arranged on the lower pylon and an active brace to form a counter bending moment in the mid pylon to counteract bending moment due to dead weight, Have a greater tensile stress and cracks. In this paper, taking the main pylon of Daomen Bridge as an example, this paper introduces in detail the design ideas and construction control points of active tie rods and active stays, and hopes to provide reference for the design of similar bridges in the future.
巴斯夫日前宣布,将进一步扩大其全球服务和生产网络,在重庆新建1座聚氨酯解决方案组合料厂,以满足不断增长的市场需求。巴斯夫同时披露,计划在重庆建40万t MDI项目。而此前,
纽约Somers,1999年2月17日一IBM今日宣布了存储区域网络(SAN-StorageAreaNetworb)计划的详细内容,同时推出了一系列与SAN相关的产品。IBM推出这项计划的目的在于帮助用户随时随地通过存储网络更有效地进行IT资源管理,实现? Somer
患儿:男,1 h.母孕期间轻度妊高征,超声提示羊水过多、十二指肠扩张,36+6周时早破水,自然分娩,生后Apgar评分1 min 9分,出生体重2040 g,小于同胎龄儿平均体重的第10百分位,为进一步明确诊断来我院就诊,门诊X线片提示双泡征,考虑十二指肠闭锁收入院。
IF, one evening at the theater, you are seated at a table, rather than in a row of seats, and sipping tea and eating peanuts as your neighbors stamp their feet
BACKGROUND: We developed an image-guided robot system to provide mechanical assistance for skull base drilling,which is performed to gain access for some neuros
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