Role of nucleation of bile liquid crystal in gallstone formation

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:raulhanlin
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AIM:To explore the role of bile liquid crystal in the processof gallbladder stone formation and to provide bases forpreventing and treating cholelithiasis.METHODS:46 guinea pigs,half males and half females,were randomly divided into control group and stone-causinggroup.Normal feed and stoneleading feed were usedrespectively to raise guinea pigs in the control group andstone-causing group.The guinea pigs were killed in threebatches during the raising period.Under polarizingmicroscope,the pattern changes of bile liquid crystal in thegallbladder biles of the guinea pigs in the control group andstone-causing group were dynamicly observed respectivelyin single-blind trial.RESULTS:It was found that there were few crystals in theguinea pigs’ biles of the control group,and their Malta crosswas small and scattered,and existed in single form.Withthe increase of the feeding days,bile liquid crystals grewand Malta cross became bigger with their distributiondensified,denser somewhere,but always existed in singleform.While those of the stone-causing group had more bileliquid crystals,Malta cross was big and merged in strings.With the increase of the feeding days,bile liquid crystals grewin amount and strings of Malta cross increased and becamebigger.The crosses in strings were arranged more and moreregularly and they gradually changed into stone crystals.CONCLUSION: Formation of gallbladder stone is a process of nudeation from different substances, and the causing-stone gallbladder bile is a constantly supersaturated solution, and bile liquid crystal is a nucleation factor in the formation of gallbladder stones. The process of nucleation includes gathering, merging and phase-changing of bile liquid crystals. The process of gathering, merging of bile liquid crystal is the key to nucleation. AIM: To explore the role of bile liquid crystal in the process of gallbladder stone formation and to provide bases for preventing and treating cholelithiasis. METHODS: 46 guinea pigs, half males and half females, were randomly divided into control group and stone-causing group. Normal feed and stoneleading feed were used to outlookly to raise guinea pigs in the control group andstone-causing group. The guinea pigs were killed in three batches during the raising period. Undersity microscope, the pattern changes of bile liquid crystal in the gallbladder biles of the guinea pigs in the control group andstone-causing group were dynamicly observed respectively in single-blind trial .RESULTS: It was found that there were few crystals in the guinea pigs’ biles of the control group, and their Malta crosswas small and scattered, and existed in single form .Withthe increase of the feeding days, bile liquid crystals grewand Malta cross became bigger with their distributiondensified, denser somewhere, but always exi sted in singleform. Whilst those of the stone-causing group had more bileliquid crystals, Malta cross was big and merged in strings. With the increase of the feeding days, bile liquid crystals grewin amount and strings of Malta cross increased and become big crossover. crosses in strings were arranged more and more regularly and they gradually changed into stone crystals. CONCLUSION: Formation of gallbladder stone is a process of nudeation from different substances, and causing causing-stone gallbladder bile is a constantly supersaturated solution, and bile liquid crystal is a nucleation factor in the formation of gallbladder stones. The process of nucleation includes gathering, merging and phase-changing of bile liquid crystals. The process of gathering, merging of bile liquid crystal is the key to nucleation.
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