
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wonghost
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当前,我省中小学的教育教学改革正在不同层面上积极展开,势头是喜人的。但是,在与一些同志的交谈中,在阅读了一些关于整体改革的总结材料和文章后,总觉得有几个实质性的问题需要进一步搞清楚。比如,究竟什么是改革。什么是整体改革,如何深化改革。搞清这些问题将促进中小学教育教学改革的健康发展。为此,我谈点个人想法,供大家参考。关于对改革的认识。有人总以为改革就是事事处处都要出“新”,都要有新招,因而,常常听说某项改革是“全新的”。我看这种认识不够全面。改革原 At present, the education and teaching reforms in primary and secondary schools in our province are actively being carried out at different levels, and the momentum is gratifying. However, in the conversation with some comrades, after reading some summary materials and articles on the overall reform, there are always several substantive issues that need to be further clarified. For example, what exactly is reform? What is the overall reform and how to deepen the reform. Clearing these issues will promote the healthy development of education and teaching reform in primary and secondary schools. To this end, I talk about personal ideas for your reference. On the understanding of reform. Some people always think that reforms are all about “newness” and new approaches. Therefore, it is often heard that a certain reform is “new.” I think this understanding is not comprehensive enough. Reform original
定义 将△ABC的两边(如AB和CA)或凸四边形ABCD的一组对边(如AB和CD)都分成2n+1等分(n∈N),分点分别为P_1、P_2、…、P_n、P_(n+1)、…、P_(2n)和Q_1、Q_2、…、Q_n、Q_(n+1)
多年的教学实践使我深深感到,教学不仅要教给学生课本上的知识,提高他们解决现有问题的能力,还要教会学生学习的方法,培养他们钻研知识的兴趣和习惯,使其智力在经常的 Many
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移频自动闭塞新设备在我局宝天线首先使用,本文简略介绍这种新设备的特点及使用方法。 Automatic frequency blocking new equipment first used in my office treasure ant
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