金融海啸冲击稍缓 结构调整压力犹在——2009年电石行业回顾及2010年展望

来源 :中国石油和化工经济分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:TomasZhang_888
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对于电石行业而言,2009年是非常困难的一年,也是行业进行结构调整的关键一年。2009年上半年,受金融危机影响,电石产品严重滞销,企业效益大幅度下滑,被迫降低开工率甚至停产。进入第三季度,在国家一系列经济刺激政策的拉动下,行业经济运行情况才有所好转。最终,在开局不利的形势下,全年电石产量仍达到1500万吨,同比增长7.9%。目前,国际金融危机影响逐渐削弱,我国经济回升的态势也更加巩固,对于电石行业而言,最为艰难的时期已经过去。但是,电石行业仍面临着产业集中度偏低、技术装备水平有限、节能减排压力加大等一系列问题。因此,如何加快产业结构调整和技术进步,从而增强行业的整体竞争力和可持续发展能力,是电石行业面临的当务之急。 For the calcium carbide industry, 2009 is a very difficult year and a crucial year for the industry to make structural adjustments. In the first half of 2009, due to the financial crisis, the sales of calcium carbide products were seriously under-sold and the profitability of enterprises dropped significantly. As a result, they were forced to reduce their operating rates and even stop production. In the third quarter, under the stimulation of a series of economic stimulus policies of the country, the economic operation of the industry improved only slightly. Finally, in the unfavorable situation, the annual output of calcium carbide still reached 15 million tons, an increase of 7.9% over the same period of last year. At present, the impact of the international financial crisis has gradually weakened, and the trend of China’s economic recovery has also been further consolidated. For the calcium carbide industry, the most difficult time has passed. However, the calcium carbide industry is still facing a series of problems such as low industrial concentration, limited technical equipment and increasing pressure on energy conservation and emission reduction. Therefore, how to speed up industrial restructuring and technological progress, thereby enhancing the overall competitiveness of the industry and the ability of sustainable development, is the top priority for the calcium carbide industry.
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