注重学生口语表达训练 提高学生口语表达能力

来源 :吉林教育(教科研版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:money51
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一、以“趣”激趣,激发说趣俗话说:“兴趣是一切成功的前提”。只有让学生在极大的兴趣的驱使下,才能使之迅速有效的进行口语训练,培养口语的表达能力。作为教师应当熟悉自己的学生,知道他们关心什么,对什么感兴趣,教师根据自己掌握的情况,结合学生的生活实际和语言实际,选择材料,拟定话题。 First, use “interesting” to stimulate interest, inspiring to say that the saying goes: “Interest is the prerequisite for all success.” Only if students are driven by great interest can they be able to quickly and effectively conduct oral training and cultivate their ability to express spoken language. As teachers should be familiar with their own students, know what they care about, what they are interested in, teachers according to their own situation, combined with the students’ actual life and language actuality, select materials, develop topics.
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