
来源 :中国棉花 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mgghz
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陆地棉品种的抗萎性与丰产性平衡分析冯恒文河北省石家庄农科所石家庄050041我国从70年代开始进行抗病育种,注重抗枯萎耐黄萎的品种选育,但其产量远不如感病品种。到80年代初期,由于棉花生产的形势,致使各科研单位又注重了产量的选择,忽视了品种的抗病性;... Anti-wilt and High Yield Balance Analysis of Upland Cotton Varieties FENG Heng-wen Shijiazhuang Agricultural Science Institute, Shijiazhuang Hebei 050041, China Since the 1970s, we conducted disease-resistant breeding and paid attention to the breeding of varieties resistant to wilt and wilt resistance. However, their yield was far less than that of susceptible varieties . By the early 1980s, due to the situation of cotton production, various scientific research units also paid attention to the choice of yield and neglected the disease resistance of varieties.
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In this paper we present some algorithms for minimization of DC function (difference of two convex functions). They are descent methods of the proximal-type whi
By making use of the Gauss-Seidel-type solution method, the procedure for computing the interpolation operator of multigrid methods is simplified. This leads to
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In this paper we presented a convergence condition of parallel dynamic iteration methods for a nonlinear system of differential-algebraic equations with a perio