一 1949年11月21口,北京市人民政府一举封闭了全市所有的妓院,使千百名妓女脱离了火坑,获得了新生。这是震撼世界的壮举,得到了各界人士的热烈拥护,为世人所瞩目。但是,由于卖淫是剥削阶级的罪恶产物,在中国历史上已延续千年,不可能在一朝一夕就彻底消灭干净。正如列宁所说:“旧社会灭亡的时候,它的尸体是不能装进棺材,
On November 21, 1949, the Beijing Municipal People’s Government closed all the brothels in the city in one fell swoop, leaving hundreds of prostitutes out of the fire pit and gaining a freshman’s life. This is a feat shocking the world, has been warmly embraced by people from all walks of life, for the world attention. However, since prostitution is the evil product of the exploiting class, it has been going on for millennium in Chinese history and it can not be completely eradicated overnight. As Lenin put it: ”When the old society perished, its body could not fit into a coffin,