让爱蔓延 Vertu Constellation Smile微笑系列慈善手机

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南美有一个传说,唇腭裂婴儿是降临到这个世界的天使,但在这个世界,很多“天使”都有着悲伤的眼神。让他们拥有最温热的微笑,是Vertu的一个梦想。于是,Vertu携手微笑列车基金会,推出了Vertu Constellation Smile微笑慈善系列手机。每售出一部Smile微笑系列手机,Vertu便会捐出200欧元,作为善款给微笑列车基金会,一名唇腭裂儿童可因此而得到及时的手术修复治疗。著名摄影师Mary McCartney用他敏锐的眼睛,捕捉到那些改变唇腭裂孩子们命运的瞬间,记录那些生命中带着缺口的孩子笑得花般灿烂。 There is a legend in South America that babies with cleft lip and palate are the angels who came to this world, but in this world, many “cherubs” have sad eyes. To make them have the warmest smile is a dream of Vertu. As a result, Vertu hand in hand with the Smiling Train Foundation, launched the Vertu Constellation Smile smile charity series phone. With every sale of Smile Smile Series phones, Vertu donates 200 Euros as a donation to the Smile Train Foundation, where a child with cleft lip and palate can receive timely surgical repair. The famous photographer Mary McCartney uses his keen eyes to capture the moments that change the destiny of children with cleft lip and palate, and record the lascivious smile of children with gaps in their lives.
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