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盛世逢盛会。在北京这个多雨的春天,“两会”如期召开,这是党的十六大以后的又一件大事,大会选举产生了新一届国家领导人,确定了今年及今后五年的奋斗目标。从“两会”传出的有关交通的讯息都是那么令人激动和鼓舞。继续实行积极的财政政策,加大对农村公路的投入力度……更广阔的天地需要我们去开拓,更艰巨的任务需要我们去承担。正如胡锦涛总书记在十届人大闭幕会上讲的:“我国的发展正处在一个新的历史起点上。我们要坚持解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进,紧紧抓住本世纪头20年的重要战略机遇期,聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展,大力推进改革开放,促进社会主义物质文明、政治文明和精神文明的协调发展,坚定不移地朝着全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标前进。” Prosperity event. This rainy spring in Beijing convened the “two sessions” on schedule. This is yet another major event after the 16th CPC Congress. The assembly elected the leaders of the new state and set the goal for the next five years. . The messages about traffic coming out of the “two sessions” are so exciting and inspiring. Continue to implement the proactive fiscal policy and increase investment in rural roads ... The broader world needs us to open up. The more difficult task requires us to undertake. Just as General Secretary Hu Jintao said at the closing ceremony of the 10th NPC: “China’s development is at a new historical starting point. We must persist in emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times and firmly grasping the top 20 this century Year period of strategic importance, concentrate on construction, wholeheartedly seek development, vigorously promote the reform and opening up, and promote the socialist material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization, coordinated development, unswervingly toward the grand goal of building a moderately prosperous society. ”
我们办学工作者要借学习弘扬社会主义荣辱观的东风,教会学生以先进人物为学习榜样,严格要求自己, 真正做到知荣明耻。混沌不是世界的本色,我们用眼睛辨别黑白,区分色彩,于是
着法(红先胜):1.(兵)23 (将) 65 2.(车)26 (将)513.(兵)34 (将) 56 4.(兵)45 (将)655.(兵)56 (将) 56 6.(车)21 (将)617.(车)21 (将) 61 8.(车)24 (将)65 (The first victo
着法(红先胜):1.(车)4 2 (马)5 62.(兵)3 4 (将)6 13.(马)7 6! (车)4 24.(炮)6 4 (士)5 65.(兵)4 5! (士)6 56.(马)3 2! (将)6 1 The law (red first wins): 1. (car) 4 2 (ho
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