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1990年末,我带着新创作的反映工厂生活的现代戏剧本《黑头儿和四大名蛋》,回到我曾经工作过20多年的“老家”——北京618厂,来征求意见。厂领导听说我这个剧本是写工厂现实生活的,十分高兴和重视,做到“有求必应”。为剧组20多人“优惠”安排了食宿。在年头岁尾的一派繁忙中,为我们组织了领导干部、青年工人、文艺积极分子等数次不同类型的座谈会。按着剧本中的人物,给我们提供生活“模特”,到车间、班组去“对号入座”。在每次座谈会上,在我们所到之处,工人师傅们不仅热情地对剧本品头论足,提出中肯的意见,希望我们尽快把剧本搬上舞台,而且强烈地呼吁:作家、文艺家们到工厂来,写一写、演一演我们工人吧! In the late 1990’s, I returned to the “Hometown” where I used to work for more than 20 years - Beijing 618 Factory with the newly created modern drama “Blackheads and Four Famous Eggs” that reflect the factory life. Factory leaders heard that I wrote the script is the real life of the factory, very happy and attention, be “responsive.” More than 20 people for the crew “discount” arranged accommodation. In the busy years of the year, we organized several different types of forums for leading cadres, young workers and literary and art activists. According to the characters in the script, to provide us with life “model”, to the workshop, team to “condemnation.” At each symposium, wherever we went, the workers’ masters not only enthusiastically spoke up about the script, but also put forward pertinent opinions and hoped that we could bring the script to the stage as soon as possible, and strongly urged that writers and writers and artists go to the factory Come, write a write, play a show our workers!
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