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  全国中小学英语学习成绩测试(NEAT)三级试题的听力部分共有四道大题,即词语听写(Words and Phrases)、句子理解(Sentences)、对话理解(Dialogues)和短文理解(Passage),满分20分。该部分要求考生能听懂日常生活中发音清楚、語速适中的句子、对话和短文,能够在一定的语境中理解句意、获取信息。考生在答听力试题时,首先要在听音前抓紧时间快速浏览试题选项,预测可能提问的问题,然后再认真听录音,注意捕捉关键字眼,适当记录。
  III. 对话理解(Dialogues) (共5小题;计5分)
  11. Lisas ______ ______ are on the teachers desk.
  12. The ______ on the box are Helens.
  13. The man wants to go to ______ ______.
  14. It takes about ______ ______ to go there
  by bus.
  15. The bus stop is ______ the ______.
  M: Hello, Helen. Are the yellow pencils on our teachers desk yours?
  W: No. Theyre Lisas. My pencils are on my desk.
  M: What about the newspapers on the box?
  W: Oh, theyre mine. Thank you, Sam.
  M: Youre welcome.
  M: Excuse me. Is City Library near here?
  W: No, it isnt. Let me see... Its near Rose Park.
  M: How far is it from here?
  W: Its about ten minutes by bus.
  M: Which bus can I take?
  W: The No. 28 bus can take you right there.
  M: By the way, wheres the bus stop?
  W: Its over there, opposite the supermarket.
  【答案】 11. yellow pencils 12. newspapers 13. City Library / a library 14. ten / 10 minutes 15. opposite; supermarket
  IV. 短文理解(Passage) (共5小题;计5分)
  Hello, everyone! My names Scott Jackson. I want to make friends with you. Now let me tell you something about myself.
  Im a fourteen-year-old student. Im tall and I have short brown hair. I like swimming and playing basketball in my free time. I joined the school basketball club last year. My favorite clothes are T-shirts. Look at the blue T-shirt and shorts. Theyre great for me to play sports. My dream is to be a policeman. I want to help others. What about you? My email is lucky2018@hotmail.com. My telephone number is 9578623. Email or call me to share your ideas with me.
  【答案】 16. brown 17. Swimming 18. T-shirt(s) 19. policeman 20. 9578623
I. 用be动词的适当形式填空。  1. Hi! I ________ Ann Read.  2. Her telephone number ________ 632-1290.  3. —How ________ you?  —Fine, thank you.  4. My name ________ Mike.  5. What color ________ it?  II. 选择填空。  1
I. 根据句意及首字母提示,补全所缺单词。  1. My n________ is Nick.  2. —How old are you?  —I a________ twelve.  3. Nice to m________ you.  4. Brown is my l________ name.  5. —W________ is your name?  —Jim Green.  6. Lin
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I. 根据句意及首字母提示,补全所缺单词。  1. —Is this your m________?  —Yes, it is.  2. My s________ is a student.  3. Her b________ is ten years old.  4. —Is that your u________?  —No, it isnt.  5. T________ are my bro
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I. 用this, that, these, those, it, they填空。  1. ________ is my sister. ________ is my friend.  2. ________ are English books. ________ are Chinese books.  3. —Are these your brothers?  —Yes, ________ ar
由于历史的原因,美丽的枫叶之国加拿大的文化呈现出多元化的面貌。作为一个众所周知的移民国家,加拿大文化丰富多彩。现在,让我们一起来零距离感受其与众不同的文化氛围吧。  Canada, covering most of northern North America, is the world's second largest country by total area.  Due to its col