草明同志逝世,我心中悲悼,不能自已。 早在上世纪三十年代初,我在上海已知草明之名,也读过她的一、二短篇。作品描绘岭南的风物和人物,颇有特色。与她晤面则是在1942年,在延安文艺座谈会上。她在代表们中间站起来,秀发,明眸,声音朗朗,别有一番风姿。我佩服她的勇气,因为在这样人材济济的会上,我自惭才识不济,往往不敢发言。那时延安文艺界有两大“山头”,一是“鲁
Cao Ming died, my heart mourning, can not own. As early as the early 1930s, I knew the name of grass in Shanghai and read one or two short stories. Works depicting Lingnan style and character, quite distinctive. In her meeting with her was in 1942 at the Yan’an Literature and Art Symposium. She stood in the middle of the delegates, hair, bright eyes, the sound of Lang Lang, do not have a grace. I admire her courage, because in such a talented person’s meeting, I know ashamed, often afraid to speak. At that time, there were two big “hilltops” in Yanan literary and art circles. One was "Lu